May 14

The adventure begins- a glimpse at German culture and the human spirit

After a few days of adjusting to the time zone and way of life, I am starting to feel that taking this opportunity to spend my summer is Germany is one of the best decisions I have ever made. I am not only growing more independent but I am learning every day, sometimes even just within the interactions I am having with people that are so different than myself. Even after a few days I have been challenged to accept the diversity among human, both in country to country and in just personality to personality. However within this diversity I am still noticing a common thread within the human spirit which brings us together in a common understanding of what it means to be alive. I have had so many conversations the past few days where no language was even spoken. This communication is uncomfortable yet beautiful because I would not have expected it to be possible. Having said that, I still hope to continue to improve on my language skills. I do believe that in order to get a glimpse at a culture, one must talk to the people and the language barrier is limiting some depth in my understanding.

May 14

The Power of Presenting


In order to make an influence you must have an ability to communicate effectively whether that be in your writing, your speaking, or in your actions. Through the past few weeks in practicing for this presentation I have come to value the power of public speaking even more.  While not every leader that I admire has remarkable public speaking skills, it is an asset that would make their leadership all the more influential.

However it is easier said that done. In practicing for my own presentation, I watched a variety of TED talks as role model for the presenters I would like to be. I created an ideal self, a dream speaker, who not only articulated my complex thoughts cleanly but also engaged my audience.

The gap between knowing the leader you want to be and actually attaining that skill level is continuously taunting. However for a skill like public speaking it is a challenge with conquering.

Because of this,  I think it is imperative that PLA continue to promote public speaking practice. We have substantial amount of writing practice, with this blog I am currently writing and with our policy paper, but the only presentation we given is the policy one today. While one can argue that talking face to face is becoming rarer, I do not want to see the skill of public speaking go on the way side. If a goal of PLA is to shape leader we must ensure that we instill a skill-set within our students. By encouraging students to continue to step out of our comfort zones, we will ensure that PLA students are leaving with a strong leadership tool box than they began with.

Below I provide an example of a TED talk who I consider to be a strong public speaker. He also has an intriguing perspective on leadership.



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