Is your happiness dependent on your genes?

I can share with you that mine is not and I believe that is true for all of us.  We are the creators of our own world, our own success and our own destiny.  Unless you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth and your choices are made for you, you own your choices.  Even then, you own them, you just need to accept that and take the plunge.’s all ours and we need to be accountable and own that.  Until we do, we cannot find our own happiness.

I made  a personal decision at the age of 8, to make my life happy.  At that time, my world was crumbling around me. I was the baby of 3 girls, my parents were going through a divorce and life as I knew it became hell and very lonely. I focused my attention on the things in life that made me happy.  My dog, Oliver, was one of them. He always loved me, always had a kiss for me, never asked me to make a choice, and always made me smile. Life didn’t get any better than that and from that day, that’s what I focus on, the things that make me happy.

My challenge, as I get older, have my own family and try to figure out the happiness, I spend too much time focusing on making others happy and not me.  I have observed the shift but haven’t yet mastered how to fix it. Instead, I have made some bad choices, I own them and I remember that the choices are mine and I own them.

I also accept I am a work in progress. We all are and with that, I can not be perfect.  I continue to make my mistakes, skin my knee, and next time, try to make the next best choice for me.

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