The Power of Positive – Appreciative Leaders

Diana Whitney offered a solid perspective of the power of positive.  After surveying leaders who embrace AI, they discovered four key themes:

  • The leaders were willing to engage with people
  • They believed in the positive
  • They were learners in the process
  • They cared about humanity and people.

Diana and team then decided instead of interviewing a top leader for her book, which is very common,  they took a different approach.  They wanted to understand what the people wanted.  They wanted to gather the voice of the people.  I thought that was brilliant.

Diana also spoke about 5 strategies:

  • Inquiry; the power of the question
  • Illumination; how to bring out the best in people
  • Inclusion; don’t talk about me without me
  • Inspiration
  • Integrity; beyond just being honest

I appreciated and valued Diana’s perspective.  I believe her thinking and approach is sound and an approach I could adopt in my own organization.  I can’t think of a better leader to work for than one who is positive, confident, and enthusiastic.  Let’s face it, we all love engaging leaders who can relate to the people.  It’s empowering and makes us want to do more for the common good.  When we are all focused on the good, we can accomplish great things together.

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