Category Archives: Climbing

Terrain d’aventure

Trip Report: 14 Feb 2004

The university campus at Luminy is right in the middle of the Calanques, a wild region of limestone cliffs and valleys and  deeply-incised coastline stretching from Marseille to Cassis.  For five days I have been trying to take in a full-time program of intense mathematical discussion. Now, however, an extra day has managed to find its way into my schedule.  Today is climbing day.  The sun has shone all week and my English distrust of the weather makes me sure it will rain today, but I’m wrong; blue skies and no wind.   I am sitting outside the Mathematics Institute at 8.30 in the morning awaiting the arrival of Papick. Continue reading

Appointment with Disappointment

Disappointment Peak, that is. The Roe family is on a cross-country road trip and after cranking up the miles for two weeks we have come to a few days’ rest in Grand Teton National Park.  I’ve been dreaming about this part of our trip since we started planning it some six months back.  Today, while Liane and the children go rafting on the Snake River, I have my chance to explore those fascinating Teton peaks. Continue reading

Mount Conness, West Ridge, June 2002

“Two Cathedral Peaks stacked on top of one another”. It’s 6 a.m. as we shiver out of our sleeping bags at our Young Lakes camp. Surrounding us are tall trees, cold water, high granite, and silence. We haven’t seen a soul since the tourist yesterday who warned us of an impassable river crossing on our trail ahead. Fortunately, a little scouting around soon reduced ‘impassable’ to ‘wet feet’.

The story begins nearly four years previous, when I had met Scott on a trip to Seneca Rocks. Years later, I find out he’s now a grad student in Berkeley. I’ll be passing through this summer. Want to go climbing? Sure. Plans are easy to evolve from the safety of e-mail. Continue reading