Ph.D. in Sociology, City University of New York Graduate Center (2013)
M.S. in Population and International Health, Harvard University (2006)
B.A. in Biology, Columbia University (2004)
Peer-Reviewed Publications
McLean, K. (2018). A kind of peace: Tracking the reflexive and resilient drug war. International Journal of Drug Policy 51, 117-120.
McLean, K. (2017). From junkies to soccer moms: Newspaper representations of overdose, 1988-2014. Critical Criminology 25(3), 411-432.
McLean, K. (2016). Good Samaritans vs. predatory peddlers: Problematizing the war on overdose in the United States. Journal of Crime and Justice, 1-13.
McLean, K. (2016). There’s nothing here: Deindustrialization as risk environment for overdose. International Journal of Drug Policy 29, 19-26.
McLean, K. (2015). From responsible users to recalcitrant dope fiends: Mapping modes of engagement with harm reduction. Addiction Research & Theory 23(6). doi: 10.3109/16066359.2015.1040001
McLean, K. (2013). Reducing risk, producing order: The surprisingly disciplinary world of needle exchange. Contemporary Drug Problems 40(3).
Dombrowski, K., Khan, B., Channell, E., Moses, J., McLean, K., & Misshula, E. (2013). Kinship, family, and exchange in a Labrador Inuit community. Arctic Anthropology 50(1), 89-104.
Khan, B., Dombrowski, K., Saad, M., McLean, K., & Friedman, S. (2013). Network firewall dynamics and the sub-saturation stabilization of HIV. Discrete Dynamics.
Dombrowski, K., Khan, B., Wendel, T., McLean, K., Misshula, E., & Curtis, R. (2012). Estimating the size of the methamphetamine-using population in New York City using network sampling techniques. Journal of Applied Sociology 4(2).
McLean, K. (2012). Needle exchange and the geography of survival in the South Bronx. The International Journal on Drug Policy 23(4), 295-302.
Dombrowski, K., Khan, B., McLean, K., Curtis, R., Wendel, T., Misshula, E., & Friedman, S. (2013). A Re-examination of Connectivity Trends via Exponential Random Graph Modeling in Two IDU Risk Networks. Substance Use & Misuse, 49.
McLean, K. (2011). The biopolitics of needle exchange in the United States. Critical Public Health, 21(1), 71-79. doi:10.1080/09581591003653124
Conference Papers
McLean, K. (2013). From Responsible Users to Recalcitrant Dope Fiends: The Performance of Risk Identity in Harm Reduction. Presented at the Contemporary Drug Problems Conference, Aarhus, Denmark, August 21-23, 2013.
McLean, K. (2012). Reducing Risk, Producing Order: Disciplinary Power in Harm Reduction. Presented at the Society for the Study of Social Problems Conference, Denver, CO, August 16-18, 2012.
McLean, K. (2012). Re-examination of Connectivity Trends via Exponential Random Graph Modeling in Two IDU Risk Networks. Presented at the Sunbelt Social Networks Conference, Long Beach, CA, March 14-19, 2012.
McLean, K. (2011). “This Is Not a Political Agenda”: How Contemporary Harm Reduction May Silence the Social. Presented at the Contemporary Drug Problems Conference, Prato, Italy, October 3-5, 2011.
McLean, K. (2011). Rethinking “Evidence”: Social Science and the Demedicalization of Harm Reduction. Presented at the International Harm Reduction Conference, Beirut, Lebanon, April 3-7, 2011.
McLean, K. (2011). Needle Exchange and the Geography of Survival in the South Bronx. Presented at the American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting 2011, Seattle, April 12-16, 2011.
Research Interests
o The legal and medical management of illicit drug use;
o Urban public policy, public health activism and social movements;
o Neoliberalism, biopolitics and biopower
Teaching (Fall 2014 – present, Penn State Greater Allegheny)
Introduction to Sociology (SOC 001)
Introduction to Criminal Justice (CRIMJ 100)
Drugs, Behavior, and Health (BBH 143)
Sociology of Deviance (CRIMJ 406)
Drugs and Crime (CRIMJ 424W)
Alternatives to Incarceration (CRIMJ 430)
Women and the Criminal Justice System (CRIMJ 453)