Advocacy Project

I am really enthusiastic about the advocacy project. I think it is a great way to engage students in their community concerning something they are passionate about. I wrote my persuasive paper on female participation in the field of engineering. I highlighted areas for change in pre-college, college, and post-college settings. Since we are at college (duh), I think taking part in a colligate program will be the easiest and most affect outlet for my advocacy project. I am hoping to participate in and Engineering Ambassadors trip to a local high school in order to spread awareness to students about women’s important roles in the field, but I still don’t know if that will work out. I need to apply for the program and undertake a series of clarences to be allowed to participate, and I don’t know if I have enough time to actually make that happen. I am going to look into other opportunities with SWE (Society of Women Engineers) and WEP (Women in Engineering Program) to see if they can provide me with an audience to give a presentation. More to come on this soon….

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One Response to Advocacy Project

  1. Lewis Esposito says:

    I’m glad you figured all this out this week!

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