
This time I’d like to welcome you to the place where I’ve spent the past 18 years of my life–Shenzhen. I was born in Shenzhen and raised in Shenzhen, so it’s actually not exaggerating to I say that I’m a typical modern city girl. As a Shenzhenese, I’m very proud to introduce you to this great place full of opportunities and innovation.

9681080_202307249101_2First of all, I want to start from here–Coastal City. This place is right across the street from my house, and it’s quite heartrending for me to look at these two pictures, thinking that the next time when I go back home will be around a year from now. However, I have to say that this is my favorite place in Shenzhen: there are 3 cinemas, 1 theater, 3 huge shopping malls, 1 fitness center, 2 karaoke, hundreds of restuarants…right beside where I live at–how awesome is that? I can do everything that I want within five-minute-walk distance from my house.

10746969The nightview of the Coastal City

u=1359362117,883749447&fm=23&gp=0Shenzhen is almost the youngest city in China, and it was the first special economic zone opened up in China after the implement of the reform and opening-up policy. It has a history of only 30 years after the practice of this policy, but it has a history of around 6700 years with local human activities records. Shenzhen is Guangdong province’s municipality, and it’s only a river away from Hong Kong. It’s certainly one of the largest transportation centers and border ports in China. Above the man in this picture is called Xiaoping Deng, who opened up the gate for Shenzhen to develop into a worldwide known city and a famous commerical and trade center. m_6_634505756440781250_14689872This is the Shenzhen Bay Bridge that connects Shenzhen with Hong Kong. It’s only 20-minute-drive distance from one end of the bridge to the other end. Shenzhen and Hongkong are so closely together, and this might be one of the biggest reasons that makes these two cities so much the same.

9735772_9735772_1322193729236_mthumbKingkey One Hundred

Shenzhen has one of the prettiest nightviews among all the modern cities in China, and on top of this building, you could definitely shoot the most sublime nightview out of all. Some of my friends spend more than 5 hours up there just to get a perfect shot. F2009081217535401079Here is a shot of the nightview in Shenzhen. It’s so glorious, and with all of these dazzling lights, Shenzhen city is never going to rest.

10425I2c-6 Window of the World

This is somewhere everybody who has ever been to Shenzhen has gone to. Window of the World epitomizes the worldwide well known places of interests. Here, you can basically travel to all the places around the world where you want to go to.

Shenzhen has a very diverse culture, and people from all different places in China, and even from all different corners of the world, gather here and celebrate the cutural differences. This is probably the most important reason that make Shenzhen a place most advanced in techonological innovations and entrepreneurship. All the ideas are welcome here, and there is nothing impossible on this wonderland.

2 Comments on Shenzhen

  1. Werner Hernandez
    September 30, 2014 at 4:39 pm (10 years ago)

    You did an amazing job at captivating how wonderful of a city Shenzhen is. I haven’t been there, but given what you have said, I surely want to now!

  2. sjh5585
    September 30, 2014 at 4:39 pm (10 years ago)

    Shenzhen looks pretty sick. Almost like an NYC of China, it seems really cool that our cultures are relatively similar in regards to urban life. I think that its a place I’d love to visit; the window of the world looks pretty extraordinary in comparison to landmarks I’ve seen in America. Great post, I think the pictures add good description.

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