RCL #8 Rhetoric of Protest signs

This sign does an excellent job at not only highlighting one issue but also critising another. It answers two questions of conjecture. One saying that there is a war on poverty that isn’t getting enough attention. The other is that we are spending too much money on other physical wars.  As for the the question of definition, he is saying that the government does not view the war on poverty a “real war,” and that it does need to be funded. The question of quality is posed in the use of words like real, and actually. It implies a sense that no one currently cares and a sense of sarcasm. It implies that btw are important but asks why only one is being given copious amounts of money. The question of policy calls for a reality check and to look at where we are putting money, when there are also worthy causes here in America. In a way the sign over all calls into question why we put so much money in far off wars when there are wars to be fought here, even if they don’t require bullets and guns. Of course the war on poverty is a war that is being domestically fought, but its not easy to see that we are doing anything about it.

One response to “RCL #8 Rhetoric of Protest signs

  1. This is a great cardboard sign. It resembles the quality of cardboard signs that homeless people hold, thus increasing the focus on the poor. It’s cool how it approaches two issues at the same time. It’s also impressive that it uses all four areas of stasis.

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