What The Office Taught Me

When I went on Netflix for the very first time this past September, I was unbelievably overwhelmed by all of the TV shows, documentaries, and movies that rested just a click away. I don’t have access to any cable television, but I still wanted the comfort of comedic relief in an otherwise busy life, so I asked my roommate for a series recommendation to start watching in my free time. Her response: The Office.

Full cast of The Office

Full cast of The Office at the Primetime Emmys (the cast and show took home five wins).

I had never seen the show, but I had heard many positive things and thought that I would give it a shot. Sure, the nine-season “mockumentary” was filled with great one-liners and a unique plot-line that kept me enamored with the characters’ lives, but it was the very last episode of the very last season where I heard one of the most profound statements of any television show I had seen.

As all of the series’ regulars gave somewhat of a “farewell address” to close out their characters’ stories as well as the television empire that was The Office, Andy Bernard (portrayed by Ed Helms) faces the camera and fondly says: “I wish there was a way to know you’re in the good old days before you’ve actually left them.” This quote struck a cord with me, especially as I reminisced about my own “good old days.”

My dad drove me to my first day of high school back in September 2010. I was beyond anxious as I sat in the passenger seat in my brand new green and white uniform with a new backpack and notebooks. As we turned the corner from Line Street onto 7th street and began ascending the hill to school, my dad said three sentences I would hear repeated all too often- “Well, Laura, you’re one day closer to the end of school. Before you know it, you’ll be graduating. High school will be the best years of your life.” Of course, I just shrugged these words off. It was not going to go by fast, I thought. It’s only my first day. Well, let me tell you something: high school did go by fast and it was some of the best times of my life. I had my rough patches, but the things I remember most are the days I felt on top of the world. Those were the days when I met my best friends or traveled with my team to Cross Country meets or went to the annual homecoming dance.

My very first day of college with my SHOtime orientation group.

My very first day of college with my SHOtime orientation group; a day I’m sure to never forget.

College, I came to realize, is no different. All too often, we are encouraged to constantly think ahead, planning internships and schedules and job opportunities. While we are busy worrying about the future, we miss the “here and now.” Although earning a good education is undeniably the core purpose of these years, the little college experiences I have day to day- the struggle of 8ams in Forum Building, that night my roommate and I tried to teach ourselves how to juggle, canning weekends- are the ones I’ll make sure to cherish. The finale of The Office drew out the full sentiment in me and taught me this:

 These are the good old days.

3 responses to “What The Office Taught Me

  1. Benjamin Madison France

    I enjoyed how you tied the office to your personal life, I have never personally watched the office but my friends constantly rave about it. But you’re right, most of the time we are always looking head at whats next and not enjoying the moment. Its crazy how fast time really has flown by, I thought “class of 2014” sounded so young and far away when I was a freshman in high school and now look its already 2015 and the second semester of my freshman year. Its nice to sit back and look at how far everything has come.

  2. I also enjoy the office although I am not as into it as many others. I like how you tied it to a personal story about what are the good ole days. Its always hard to know what moments you will look back on fondly and which you will forget entirely. But i think high school and college might just include alot of those good times.

  3. Victoria Nicole Shaffer

    The Office is my favorite show! That quote in the finale definitely hit hard, too. With all of the funny and bizarre things that show entails, I really appreciated one of the more cherished moments. I enjoyed how you included your own experience with that quote, because it is so relatable to all of us. It is hard to look back at all the amazing memories in the past and think, “wow, I wish I would have appreciated that moment more.” Just like you said, it really made me try my hardest to realize these are the moments I will look back on and actually know they were the good days while they were happening.

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