Tag Archives: wk14

This I Believe Draft

I believe in dogs. I believe in slobbery tongues, wet noses, wagging tails, and man’s best friend.

I want to be a Veterinarian, so it goes without saying that I love just about every animal. However, there will always be a special place in my heart for those of the canine variety. I’ve had dogs since I was born, and they have always been more than just my pets. They provide me with comfort and unconditional love. My dogs are the friends that don’t get mad at me for stupid things, that think I’m cute no matter what my hair looks like, and that always have time to go out and play.

Being away at school, my dogs are the members of my family that I miss the most. While I can talk to my parents and sister on the phone, I only ever see my dogs when I go back home. What’s remarkable is that even after being away for so long, they still remember me, greeting me with wagging tails and slobbery tongues. They follow me around the house like four-legged shadows until it is time, once again, for me to leave. When that day comes, they sit by the door as I get ready to go, cock their heads to the side, and give me a look as if to say, “We’ll miss you. Come home soon.”

I believe that the comfort a dog can bring to a person far exceeds that of just an ordinary pet. Therapy dogs soothe individuals in nursing homes and people suffering from post-traumatic stress. They come from far and wide to assist people affected by disasters like Hurricane Katrina, 9/11, or the recent Newtown school shooting, and wounded soldiers with disabilities are often paired with therapy dogs during their periods of rehabilitation.

I believe that dogs are as much saviors as they are companions. Some can sense medical conditions, like seizures, before they even happen. And others are trained to serve as guides for people who are unable to see. I have been fortunate enough to raise two such puppies for an organization called The Seeing Eye. Throughout my years of involvement, I have met many people who have directly benefitted from the guidance and companionship a Seeing Eye Dog can offer.

There is a direct science behind the relationship between humans and animals. It is called biophilia, and it is a theory that there is an instinctive bond between humans and other living things. This bond is considered to be especially strong with canines, hence the term “man’s best friend,” but this is no coincidence either. Studies have shown that dogs are more in tune with human emotions than other animals. In situations where a canine encounters two people, one crying and one not, the animal is more likely to approach the individual experiencing distress.


You Think I’m Cute?! Get Otter Here!


If you couldn’t guess it from the title, this week’s cute animal is none other than the Otter! There are thirteen different species of otters. Some commonly-known otters are the Sea Otter, the Giant Otter, and the Northern River Otter; if you’ve seen an otter in a zoo, it was most likely one of these three types. There are also Peanut and Jelly Otter and their baby brother Butter, but this blog post will be focused mainly on Otters that are not purple and orange.

The otter can live on both water and land because of several important adaptations. A thick fur coat and thin hairs under the fur allow the animal to remain warm, even in freezing waters. Most otters have fully-webbed feet, allowing them to swim through the water. They have five toes on each feet for stability, and some have retractable/non-retractable claws. An otter’s tail is generally long, thick and fairly muscular. It is used to propel the otter while swimming, to help steer and to provide balance when standing upright. All otters are very flexible, allowing them to groom themselves easily. The whiskers, or vibrissae, sense underwater vibrations and help the otter track prey. Finally, the otter’s ears and nose close underwater due to their valve-like structures.

Otters can be found in many different water environments, from rivers to oceans and on all continents except Australia and Antarctica.  Their choice of food varies just as much, ranging from small invertebrates to large fish. With the exception of river and sea otters, most species of otters live in small, loose family groups. Otters usually live an average of 10 to 15 years and have few predators, but are very susceptible to parasites in water and death by human fault (like oil spills and fishing nets). They are considered to be “threatened” according to the Endangered Species Act.

Now enjoy this video of otters chasing a little girl. Spoiler Alert: both parties involved are excessively cute.
