Faculty News

Submitted by Paige Andrew

Lee Ann Nolan, Paige Andrew and former head of the Donald W. Hamer Map Collection, Marcy Bidney, recently had a peer-reviewed article published in the Journal of Map & Geography Libraries.

“The Digital Atlas Dilemma: Outlining the Challenges for Libraries” discusses in detail several unique challenges that digital atlases, compared to their physical counterparts, present to librarians and libraries. Nolan, Andrew and Bidney state in the abstract “We describe the issues that arise from digital atlases and how they impact both the user and the librarian, and we provide a call to arms for anyone charged with collecting, describing, utilizing, storing, or preserving these evolving new types of atlases.”

The article appears in the volume 10, number 2 (May-August 2014) issue and was published in July. Lee Ann Nolan is the information resources and services support specialist at the Fletcher L. Byrom Earth and Mineral Sciences Library and Paige Andrew is the maps cataloging librarian in the Cataloging and Metadata Services Department.