Service and me

Recent at Council, we talked about how service has changed for us and how our attitudes haven’t always been the same towards doing community service. When I started doing community service in grade school, it was just something that I did. It would help people but it didn’t feel that meaningful to me. Becoming a leader in a service organization has really changed my view point. Even the simplest of service projects makes a great impact in someone’s life. It shows people that someone cares about that and that can make a world of a difference. I have found that as a college student, people don’t expect much service out of us and are amazed at times by what we do both at Penn State and in the State College communities. I am sure my perspective will change again towards service as I grow older but I have realized how much service means to me and its ability to bring cheer to someone’s life. Think about how service is or could be a part of your life and take that leap to join a service organization or go to a service project. You’ll be amazed where it will take you. 

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