Since the pandemic struck or even since then, can you think of new “civic activities” that have arisen? What are they? What are the civic commonplaces that they embody?
The COVID-19 Pandemic in 2020 took the world by storm. The pandemic was something no one has ever seen before. The last pandemic that struck was over 100 years ago, so people were not equipped and were not ready for the disastrous effects that come with a global pandemic. Since we haven’t seen anything like this global pandemic before many new civic activities and duties rose through this. One of the most prominent ones was the civic activity of wearing a mask. Wearing a mask before the Pandemic was not a very common thing and would only be worn if you were seriously sick and had to go to the doctor. But with the pandemic wearing a mask became a normality within our society. It was proven by the CDC that “Wearing a mask can help lower the risk of respiratory virus transmission. When worn by a person with an infection, masks reduce the spread of the virus to others. Masks can also protect wearers from breathing in infectious particles from people around them” (CDC). As seen by this statement by the CDC masks were very effective in reducing the transmission of COVID-19. This information is what led masks to be worn and mandated during the pandemic. With the pandemic, masks were worn every day and anytime that you went outside of your house. The activity of wearing masks became such a new phenomenon. When the pandemic started to slowly dissolve the activity of wearing masks became less and less prevalent. But this was due to the fact that the threat of getting sick from COVID-19 became very minimal. While the pandemic ended a new precedent had been set that when you are sick and can’t stay home you should wear a mask out in public. This wasn’t a common thing before the pandemic. Before the pandemic, people used to just go out in public while being sick and not wear a mask. Due to the pandemic, many people saw the positives of wearing a mask while being sick and now wear one when they are sick. Before if you wore a mask out in public it was seen as weird and unusual but now it’s not. An example of this was 2 weeks ago when my roommate was feeling sick, he went to class wearing a mask. He did this as he wanted to protect the people around him and not spread his sickness. When he walked into class no one even batted an eye because wearing a mask when sick has become such a commonplace within our society. But if you were to wear a mask before the pandemic you would get weird looks. Wearing a mask used to act as a commonplace of sickness, while it still does it’s also now seen as a sign of respect as you are being cautious and thoughtful towards others. While there were many negatives that came from the COVID-19 pandemic we did adopt some very positive civic activities like wearing a mask.