“I don’t like bullies…I don’t care where they’re from”

With anticipation for the sequel coming out in a few weeks, I decided for this week I would talk about one of my favorite superhero movies Captain America: The First Avenger. This movie is all about the superhero Captain America (or Steve Rogers) and his battle to defeat the evil Red Skull during World War II. It is also a great comic book series that started during the height of World War II.

I think that the thing I love most about this movie is the message that the little guy can be a hero too. By the time Steve Rogers finally enlists in the army, he is not very heroic looking. He is incredibly small, frail, and looks nothing like what you expect a WWII solider to look like. But what Steve doesn’t have in physical strength, he makes up for in courage, persistence, and loyalty. Now after Steve is selected for a top secret experiment designed to create the first “super solider”… Captain America is born! Steve was chosen for the experiment because of all the adversity he had faced throughout his life, the leader of the experiment knew that this made him an honest man and he wouldn’t let the power he was about to receive go to his head. This movie shows everyone that you don’t always have to be the fastest, strongest, or most athletic to succeed. Even if you seem completely average in every way, you are still capable of great things.

captain americahttp://www.imdb.com/media/rm2680798976/tt0458339?ref_=ttmi_mi_all_sf_30

This movie is also a great movie about friendship and trust. Captain America builds a team of soldiers that help him defeat Red Skull. Among these men is his best friend since childhood Bucky Barnes. Now if you haven’t seen read the comic books I won’t ruin it for you but Bucky Barnes definitely is on my list of favorite superhero characters of all time. The trust between Steve and Bucky is what makes them such a good team. They have each other’s backs all the time no matter what situation they are in. Having that one special person (whether it be a sibling, a best friend, significant other, etc.) by your side through thick and thin is what helps us all to succeed. I know I would never have accomplished some of the things I have without a few very special people who are always in my corner no matter what.

captain america 2http://www.imdb.com/media/rm2529804032/tt0458339?ref_=ttmi_mi_all_sf_23

My dad loves historical movies, but I’ve never been a fan. However, I love this movie! Now it may not be an incredibly historic movie because it’s obviously fictional, yet it still shows a time period where America was so patriotic and came together to support our country. Captain America is also a great action movie with some truly amazing scenes that can wow anyone who is watching. I would seriously recommend seeing this movie if you haven’t, it is very entertaining. The sequel to this movie is coming out the first weekend in April and I could not be more excited to go see it!


3 thoughts on ““I don’t like bullies…I don’t care where they’re from”

  1. Laura Beebe

    I saw the Avengers, so I’m a little familiar with the Captain America character, but I haven’t seen this movie! I’m sure I would enjoy it though; superhero movies are always very invigorating. I also agree with Dan: I think it’s really interesting how popular media can influence national pride and ideas. Thanks for a great post!

  2. Daniel Friedland

    I saw this movie in theaters right when it came out, and it was great! It is a prime example of how the media and arts can be peppered with rhetoric for a national cause. Captain America, in its prime, probably had a palpable effect on numerous children and helped to mobilize the nation during World War II. While I sometimes question the morality of this type of rhetoric (some see it as brainwashing; I am not so sure), it certainly has a positive effect on our nation’s stability and unity. Great post, Kimmy!

  3. Leigh Boggs

    This is one of my absolute favorite movies, and I have seen it so many times and enjoy it even more everytime I watch it. I think one aspect of this movie I really like is how simple it is, it is not complicated why Steve/Captain America does what he does, he simply does everything out of the good of his heart and his love for his country. The friendship aspect of this movie has never really stuck out to me that much in watching it, but now that you mention it, it is very clear and is so true, how much friends can help you in life! Great choice of movie, and as always great take aways!

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