Table with brief descriptions of electronic resources and their map and geospatial content
-This table represents those electronic resources with map and geospatial content from the master database list on the Penn State University Libraries site.
1. To use this table, use column 1 to identify a database of interest based on name and description.
2. Visit the Penn State Libraries database listing and search for the database by name to access the electronic resource.
-This PowerPoint includes the following information on Electronic Resources that are available by subscription by Penn State University Libraries to highlight maps and geospatial content within these resources: Name, Brief Description, and Sample image from the electronic resource of maps and geospatial content.
1. Use the links from the categories to skip to a specific section, as desired. Electronic resources were grouped into broad categories to aid in the identification of relevant resources based on theme: news and current events; history; economics and business; U.S. politics and demographics; world politics and demographics; and miscellaneous.
2. Visit the Penn State Libraries database listing and search for the database by name to access the electronic resource.