

Using designs inspired by natural processes, we aim to address predictable, small scale threats (i.e.. runoff) through the creation of mo, long-term vegetative buffers and bioretention. The plants chosen will be specific to the contaminates located onsite to promote phytoremediation. In order to address immediate, less predictable, and potentially large scale threats we will focus on implementing riparian zones on a regional scale, and developing floodwater diversion methods.

  1. Identify threatened landscapes
  2. Mitigate within determined watershed
  3. Regenerate upstream of chosen location by implementing mitigation strategies that incorporate riparian buffers, bioretention areas, and phytoremediative designs.
  4. Protect Water Resources

Issues from Marcellus Drilling & Water

Pollution issues range from surface water contamination (due to runoff, spills, and illegal or improper disposal of wastewater) to groundwater contamination (due to substandard well casings that leak or are insufficient, non-point source pollution, and improperly treated flowback water disposal). This contaminated water affects both ecosystems and communities.

Location of Project

The Water Dynamic Project is located within Tioga County, Pennsylvania, an area greatly impacted by Marcellus Shale gas drilling.

Community Outreach

To best understand water as a threat and asset to local ecosystems and society, the citizens of Wellsboro provided valuable input during community meetings.