Why are German’s so angry?



So for my blog this week, I would like to raise a question to everyone. Why does German sound so angry? This is a stereotype that has always surrounded the German language but it is one that makes no sense to me because you can yell things in any language, including English and sound angry. Here is my answer for why German sounds angry. German is pronounced with the back of the tongue and consists of mainly hard syllables. It is important to note that this is different from the romance languages which just flow off of the tongue and generally are pronounced with light flowing syllables. On a different note, German, in pop culture, is generally represented through Nazis. I can not tell you how many times I have seen Hitler’s speech gaining power and people into his cause. He yells the entire time! When you hear regular people speaking or even children speaking, that is what German sounds like, not the stereotypical German of pop culture. The German people are not all angry and just because Nazis were bad and yelled angry German a lot, that does not mean the German language sounds that way or should sound that way. Look at the following video of a children’s story (sorry to those who speak German if it says something bad. I don’t understand it haha) versus Hitler speaking. The second video is 11 minutes of screaming Germans!


About ctm5165

I study French, Spanish, and comparative literature at the Pennsylvania State University, University Park campus. In 2017, I graduate with three bachelors degrees and one master in comparative literature. Beyond Spanish and French, I also speak some Arabic and some Chinese. Future aspirations include working in academia or translation/interpretation.
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4 Responses to Why are German’s so angry?

  1. ctm5165 says:

    http://memeblender.com/2012/05/21/the-beauty-of-languages/ http://memeblender.com/2012/04/19/languages/

    Here are the links to the memes that apparently did not show up above. Enjoy!

  2. Emily Prater says:

    I find this post rather entertaining because my grandmother, a German native but now American citizen, sounds so angry when she yells in German– my whole family just laughs at her when it happens! Sometimes, she even points her finger… *yikes*

  3. Hannah Clark says:

    CLAYTON! I absolutely love your blog posts! They never bore me and I always learn something from them. You have a way of making something that, on the surface, sounds really uninteresting and making it so enjoyable to read about. Thank you so much for an incredible year! I’ve had an awesome time getting to know you!:)

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