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TED Talk


So I watched my TED talk and I actually thought it went pretty decently. At first I was baffled as to why I was looking down so much and then I remembered that the audience was actually lower. Also, I thought that I had my iPhone out and I was really confused, but then I realized that it was the clicker.

Overall, I thought it was a decent talk. I remembered my content and managed to fit it all in without rushing. In the beginning I think I talked slightly mechanically, so I’d work more on adding inflection to my voice. Like I did say, though, I think I took pauses to make it easier to follow. Additionally, I felt like some of my hand gestures were kind of reused or not exactly appropriate for the sentence. I know that I have a tendency to do this from some of my other presentations / talks, so again it’s something that I want to work on. It’s hard, however, to come up with what your hands should be doing; I know because I’ve considered it whenever preparing a script for an audition or performance. So yeah. Any thoughts / suggestions some one has about that would be appreciated!

I also know the ending was a little rough, but in my defense, the iPad screen turned off so I couldn’t see what time I was at anymore (thanks Pratiti 😛 ), and by the time it was turned back on, my time was practically up so I just had to tack on an ending. It wasn’t quite as eloquent or encompassing as I would have liked, but it wasn’t terrible.

I haven’t had the chance to watch anyone else’s TED talk on your blogs yet, but the ones I saw in class I thought were pretty interesting. I really enjoyed Joe Warner’s setup for his concussion talk with his whole story about football as well as the graphic. I also liked Camilla’s topic, especially learning the origins of how soccer evolved globally (especially since our topics slightly related in the fact that they both addresses WWI haha). I also liked Pratiti’s powerpoint.

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