Christopher Moore

early greek philosophy


Under contract to Oxford UP is the first English translation of Stobaeus’ Anthology (Books 3–4) – I am the general editor, and have commissioned a number of scholarly experts to translate the various authors represented therein.   The grandest “guide to life” ever produced Fifteen centuries ago, a Macedonian named John had two related problems:…

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Creolizing the Greeks

Over the first Friday and Saturday in November 2022, my colleague Eduardo Mendieta and I will host at Penn State–University Park a conference on “Creolizing the Greeks.” Our participants are following the hypothesis that the framework of creolizing – best known in contexts of recent Caribbean philosophy – illuminates much that is worth studying about…

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The Virtue of Agency

Coming in 2023 from Oxford UP, The Virtue of Agency: Sôphrosunê and Self-Constitution in Classical Greece. Among the cardinal virtues of classical Greece – wisdom, courage, justice, piety, and sôphrosunê – sôphrosunê is the least understood or valued. But, as this book shows – studying the vigorous and wide-ranging debates about the virtue, across fifth-…

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The _[Rival] Lovers_

The Platonic dialogue Anterastai or Erastai (Rival Lovers or Lovers) is the only extant Socratic dialogue explicitly concerned about the nature of philosophia. (Aristotle’s fragmentary Protrepticus, perhaps also a dialogue, but not Socratic, is about the same topic.) Understanding of the dialogue has been slowed by several considerations. (i) Many scholars suspect that it is…

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Critias Conference: 10–11 May 2019

With the collaborationist Chris Raymond (Vassar), I am organizing a Penn State conference on the life, fragmentary works, and reception of Critias of Athens, for 10-11 May 2019. (This is only the second such conference known to us, and the only to aim at exhaustiveness.) Through eight seminars over two days, led and joined by…

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