Update: Nicholas Figueroa

So this article was posted a while ago (March 30th) but I just came across it.

Nicholas Figueroa, 23, went missing after a blast in the East Village. His family was searching with the police to find him, but they didn’t have any luck for a couple of days.

They did, however, identify his body out of 2. He was on a sushi lunch with a coworker, and right after he paid the $13 bill, was when the explosion happened.

My condolences go out to his family and friends. I know how hard it is to lose someone without being able to say goodbye.


Thank you all who have been reading my blogs. I love art, and I’m glad I got to share some of what I love about art with you guys.

I also enjoyed reading what you are passionate about. It’s cool to see how just a small group of people have so many different interests!

Good luck in the rest of your Penn State experience. I hope you all accomplish all your dreams and reach all your goals.

Thanks again,


End of Freshman Year

Wow. I can’t believe it’s already the end of freshman year! I feel like just yesterday I was graduating high school. It’s crazy how fast time is going now. Fall semester didn’t even seem like it went as fast as spring semester did.

For incoming freshmen…

I would suggest to put yourself out there. Go outside your comfort zone and meet different types of people. I’m not saying you have to go out and party every night – I didn’t do that – but just join different clubs and get involved. The more involved you are, the more people you meet.

Also, join THON. I didn’t go to THON this year, but I was involved in every step leading up to THON. I wish I could have gone, but I was still happy I was involved in the process. -You also meet tons of people in THON. And there are many different organizations you can join. There is no “best one”. All seem really fun.

I would also suggest to go to the football games. They are SUPER fun, even if you don’t like football. It’s fun to just hang out with your friends and being in the stadium is so amazing when it’s full.

I hope you incoming freshmen have a great freshman year, and take it all in!! It goes by really fast!


This week I read an article about how e-cigarettes are becoming more and more popular among young teens in middle school and high school. It talks about how they use of these are increasing and the use of actual cigarettes are decreasing.

I think it is great that the use of cigarettes are decreasing; however, I feel that kids in middle school and most kids in high school should not be allowed to smoke the e-cigarettes. These e-cigarettes still contain nicotine – which is better than consuming the tar and other harmful chemicals that cigarettes have. I think there should be a minimum age to where you can smoke these though. I don’t think kids in middle school should be able to smoke these on a daily basis. Middle schoolers age range is 11 years old to 14 years old. The minimum legal smoking age is 18. I think it should be the same. I think kids should try to keep their youth as much as possible. And it is being taken away from these e-cigarettes that are being produced.

Please note that I do not have anything against these. I think it is a better alternative than smoking cigarettes; however, I feel there should still be a minimum required age.

What do you think?

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