Connoisseurship: Marimba de Palma Chonta

Marimba is a musical instrument that can be found all around the Americas. Currently it is possible to find Yamaha brand Marimbas, for example. This musical instrument is an American adaptation from an African one: Balaphon.  But, as it arrives to America, indigenous and Spanish elements were incorporated, and either the way this mixed happened, as the material used to build it, is different in each region.


The Marimba de Palma Chonta, is the typical Marimba played in the Colombian pacific Coast. The name Palma Chonta comes from the Palm tree used to build the bars.  It has always been present in the music created in this region. However, since 10 years (aprox), this music is played in the whole country, and the Marimba de Palma Chonta has become a symbol of identity for Colombian population.

As I said before, this marimba has been built with local resources, I can clearly identify it from other marimbas or xylophones: They have 24 bars made from Palma Chonta and resonators made from Guadua (Colombian type of Bamboo). I have been raised in Cali, the principal city closest to the Pacific Coast. Since very little I have heard its sound, and have seen it being played.

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