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Category Archives: RCL
Blog Improvements for Next Semester II
I really like the idea of having separate categories for “Blogs That Matter” and “Blogs That Don’t Matter” with the occasional “Work-In-Progress Blog” for next semester. The grade-by-completion system for the “blogs that didn’t matter” would really open up a … Continue reading
Blog Improvements for Next Semester
I think that switching the “RCL Blog” to “Social Issues” would be an interesting change for next semester. I mean, a lot of us have probably exhausted our supply of rhetoric and analysis behind everyday civic engagement in broad terms, and social … Continue reading
Working in Groups
Communicating with other group members and equally dividing up the workload are really important parts of a creating a successful group project. I know that it’s incredibly frustrating when a major history project is due and your teammates haven’t even … Continue reading
Being Thankful
“Ugh!! Why is the Internet so slow?!” “What! ANOTHER Chem Homework?” Within the past week or so, many of us have probably thought something similar while writing our WordPress blogs, loading our Gmail inboxes, or else attempting to complete our … Continue reading
Aftermath of the Election
So at about 11PM Eastern Time, the crucial swing state Ohio turns blue with an incredibly slim division — 50% of the vote going to Obama and 49% going to Romney, effectively declaring Barack Obama the winner of the 2012 … Continue reading
RCL: Halloween
“Trick or Treat!” Each year, kids across the country dress up in festive costumes, from ninjas to fairy princesses to vampires, ringing the doorbells of neighboring households, and asking for candy with this cheery phrase. All of this — the … Continue reading
TED Talks Response 2
I really, really like the TED Talks assigned this week! The first two I saw (A Thousand Times No and Before I Die) were incredibly powerful and inspirational with their visual art and representations to the general public. Bahia Sehab: A … Continue reading
Response to TED Talks
1: Brené Brown’s TED Talk on Vulnerability described the conclusions of her years of research on human connection and happiness: that the key to leading happy, successful, satisfied lives is to “to believe that we are enough” and to accept the … Continue reading
True Friendship
What is friendship? There are a myriad of definitions online and in print, from dictionaries to editorials to even cartoons. The most generally agreed upon definition, however, almost always indicates some sort of mutual bond, or agreement. According to Aristotle, friendship … Continue reading
In my opinion, pathos is the most effective rhetorical strategy out there. Emotions are universal, holding out an appeal to a wide range of audiences. Throughout our everyday lives, movies, books, newspapers, and advertisements all utilize pathos to effectively engage … Continue reading