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Category Archives: Works In Progress
Advocacy Project Update: African Library Project Website
So far, I’ve set up the homepage for my advocacy project website. I went to the Student Activities & Affairs Office at the HUB yesterday to set up the official web space and URL: The Blogs @ PSU website format … Continue reading
work in progress persuasive essay
*still work in progress* Petcare Outline Pet Care Licenses (image source) When people generally think of animal cruelty or abuse, they usually think of horrific acts of physical violence like dog fighting, puppy mills, or animal torture. However, statistics from … Continue reading
Project Update
Our group just met again a few hours ago to refine our project outline. We’ve confirmed our group focus on the more recent Presidential elections, starting with the Bush-Gore 2000 controversy and continuing on to mention the Democratic and Republican … Continue reading
Posted in Research, Works In Progress
Tagged controversy, election, electoral college, lotier, rcl1213
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WIP: Electoral College
My group is still working on narrowing down our project topic to a specific part of the Electoral College controversy. There have a been a handful of elections where the winning candidate actually had the lower popular vote, so we … Continue reading
History of a Public Controversy: Electoral College
My group just met today to pick our public controversy topic, and after some brainstorming, we decided to focus on the American Electoral College system. Although with its justifications in the past, the Electoral College has become a divisive issue … Continue reading
Posted in Works In Progress
Tagged controversy, election, electoral college, lotier, rcl1213, wip
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Visual Aids for TED Talk
My paradigm shift essay was on modern conceptual art and how it has evolved from the preceding Dadaist and Pop Art movements of the twentieth century — picking up new stylizations like a deviation from realist techniques and a “democratization” … Continue reading
The Modern Artistic License: Rough Draft of Paradigm Shift Essay
This is how I hoped to set it up: Cite instance of Contemporary Art Illustrate popularization of art, how this type of art has become dominant in contemporary culture Address thesis statement: Art increasingly abstract and concept-based History/Old Dominant Trend/What Art … Continue reading
Paradigm Shift: The Beauty in Art (Kairos Map)
Thoughts as of Oct. 14: After attempting to do some preliminary research on my paradigm shift topic, I have decided to that I am going to shift my “perceptions of beauty and perfection” essay idea completely from its focus on people … Continue reading
Brainstorming Topics for Paradigm Shift Essay
Since our paradigm shift essays are supposed to discuss changing cultural trends, I was thinking of writing about how what is considered “good manners” in general have changed since early Colonial times, or maybe as far back as medieval history. If you look through a … Continue reading
Rhetorical Analysis Essay: Kiva
After going over the assignment description again, I have decided to analyze a website designed by the nonprofit organization, Kiva Microfunds. Kiva is a really cool grass-roots charity that allows people to lend money to help support small entrepeneurs and businesses throughout the … Continue reading