Natural Remedies


Thyme is an herb with culinary, medicinal, and ornamental uses. The flowers of a Thyme plant have been commonly used for people with chronic diarrhea, bedwetting, stomaches, arthritis, sore throat, whooping cough, bronchitis, flatulence, and as a diuretic to increase urination frequency. The essential oil of Thyme leaf contains 20-54% thymol–which can be used to reduce bacterial resistance to common drugs such as penicillin. Thyme has been known to reduce hypertension (high blood pressure), protect against foodborne bacterial infections, colon and breast cancers, and common dermatological problems–generally in poorer areas of the world.


Mint is the advocate of digestive problems. Mint is commonly known to promote irritable bowl syndrome and Crohn’s disease. This herb is known to flavor drinks, foods, toothpaste, soaps, and medicines. Mint was often used by monks in medieval times for its culinary and medicinal properties. This plant has been used as a tonic, cough mixture, bronchial troubles, and asthma.


Sage is used as a rich antioxidant and to lower bad cholesterol. Sage comes from the latin word salvere, meaning ‘to be saved’, as its health benefits have been known to promote the longevity of life by a significant amount. Specifically, sage has been commonly used as an anti-inflammatory–as flavanoids, phenolic acids, and oxygen-handling enzymes give it a unique capacity for stabilizing oxygen-related metabolism and preventing oxygen-based damage to cells. Interestingly, sage has been known to significantly improve brain function and immediate knowledge recall.


One of the most versatile and powerful herbs of the plant kingdom. Rosemary infused oil prevents foods from going rancid and protects it from oxidation. This wonder-herb has been known to prevent the formation of carcinogenic amines in meat cooked over high heat. Like many other natural herbs, rosemary is known to actively promote antioxidants in the body to help advance metabolic breakdown in the human body. Rosemary also contains anti-inflammatory compounds that may make it useful for reducing the severity of asthma attacks.


Oregano is one of the few herbs that give a stronger taste when dried. Its antioxidant properties have some of the most powerful characteristics of any natural remedies. Oregano oil contains broad-spectrum antibacterial agents, which makes it ideal for fighting against bodily infections. Taking a few drops of oregano oil at the first signs of a cold can help avoid the sickness significantly. This herb has been used by ancient civilizations to help treat a number of skin conditions, such as acne and dandruff.

2 thoughts on “Natural Remedies

  1. Nathan Larkin

    I wasn’t aware that things such as everyday cooking spices could have such health benefits. As Rob said, there seems to be a drug for every tiny discomfort. There are vitamins for just about any bodily function that you could want to promote. Just look at stores like GNC or Vitamin World. I’m sure that pharmaceutical companies wouldn’t like for such natural remedies to come to prominence.

  2. Rob Voorhees

    I’m really glad you made a post regarding natural remedies, because I feel like we are a very pro-drug society. I believe that as a whole, our country takes far more medicine than is necessary, especially for things as simple as a headache or stomach aches. Though I try to not use medicine, natural or manufactured, I’m still advocate the use of natural remedies. It’s interesting to see how simple, everyday herbs can remedy everyday illnesses and irritations. I’m also glad that in recent years, there has been a shift toward putting down the pill bottle and picking up a plant.

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