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Angelina Jolie – Woman in Black

January 29, 2015 by Nicole Luchansky   

“When other little girls wanted to be ballet dancers, I kind of wanted to be a vampire.”

~Angelina Jolie


“If I make a fool of myself, who cares? I’m not frightened by anyone’s perception of me.”

~Angelina Jolie

With both grace and intrigue, Angelina Jolie epitomizes the rule of dangerous, fashion icon and inspirational humanitarian. She is completely flawless every time she adorns herself in the color she made famous. Black. As a mother of six, she continues to shock the nation with her daring wardrobe. She can pull off the natural, sensual look, draped in a simple black gown. She remains just as mesmerizing in a black suit, somehow making the boyish look, handsome, classy and beautiful. As she works as a director, she wears tight, black pants and a flowing, black tank top. On her head, she wears a wavy sunhat, woven in threads of black. Sweaty, tired and stressed, she remains a dark goddess. And finally, when she accepts awards and makes speeches, she manages to add flair to the “Queen Elizabeth suit jacket and long skirt” look.

black gown




Tattoos, lips plump-full of botox, and model silhouette do not usually scream humanitarian. Most would be surprised to know that Jolie was the youngest person to ever receive the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award for her work with the United Nations. She also acted as the leader of the world’s largest anti-rape summit in London. These accomplishments all taking place while filming, directing and acting in movies. Most recently, the actress underwent a double mastectomy. She is now a role model for all women, testifying that while it may have been the hardest and most excruciating decision of her life, her children do not have to fear losing her of breast cancer. As the ugly threat of cancer braved its face in her life, Jolie remained dignified and heroic, acting as a role model for all women in her position.

The Tomb Rader actress is often branded as a sex icon, or as the women who stole Brad Pitt from the beloved Jennifer Aniston. Hollywood is known for its drama, and the rumors it has perpetuated over the years have created a false image of Jolie. The facts of her accomplishments are inspirational. She is noble and dedicated to the cause of humanity, particularly women. She does not care what others think. She pushes for what she believes, even when under the harsh scrutiny of the public eye. Her ability to push fear aside is what makes her a celebrity inspiration. Her fashion is not the statement. Her actions are what have deemed her flawless. Her fashion is just the welcoming accessory to her many courageous attributes.

Jolie goes against the grain. When girls wanted to be dancers in pale, pink costumes, she wanted to be a dark, bloody, gothic vampire. She has successfully combined darkness with kindness. We should all learn from Jolie and work to break the mold every once in a while. She does not live with regret, and neither should anyone else.


“We have a choice about how we take what happens to us in our life and whether or not we allow it to turn us. We can become consumed by hate and darkness, or we’re able to regain our humanity somehow, or come to terms with things and learn something about ourselves.”

~Angelina Jolie

Jolie lives her life, not the life the paparazzi wants her to live. She has pushed aside harsh words from the tabloids. She has taken the hate and transformed it to be fashionable and life-changing. She wears the darkness life has thrown at her – I prefer to think black is a metaphor for what she has suffered – and maintains her humanity on the inside. Bravo Jolie.



  1. Lillian says:

    I love how you wrote this blog post. The style you used was very intriguing for the reader. I now see Angelia Jolie in a different light. I still remember seeing her Disney movie “Maleficent” and I loved it. Jolie is one of those well-rounded actress that will go out of her ways to benefit the world. Great job on this post!

  2. Taylor says:

    This was a very cool read. Hollywood rumors and such tend to create so many false images of stars that can often really hurt them. Its awesome to see how she has persevered and stayed true to herself no matter what happened. Definitely a true inspiration for many!

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