4/26: The End is a new beginning

This will be the last post on this blog. From September 21, 2012, to today, April 22, 2013, I have written passion blogs for two semesters. For 24 weeks, I have blogged about my home country China for 24 posts consistently with a variety of subtopics introducing you to different aspects of China: my connections, the food, the traditions, the cities and attractions, and the issues.

The early blogs from the first semester are more about introducing the culture and the values Chinese hold, as a background to more profound discussions on the rest half of the blogs this semester. These blogs touched many real-time issues in China, with my understanding and personal stands.

There are more criticisms than praise about China, but this doesn’t mean it is not a great country! The new nation, surviving from the WWII following the civil war, is only sixty some years old. With a single party leader, we also suffered many hardships in the beginning, but everything is getting much, much better than before. We are truly one of the fast-growing countries in the world: blooming cities, businesses, factories; vast economy, military power, international status and so on—all you can hear about from news media, either truth or bragged, without me. However, as a Chinese, I do care more on the sides that needed to be developed and improved more by China. Focusing too much on what we have already accomplished will blind our eyes, and slow down the progress.

I hope these blogs can lead you hear the inner the voices of China, and gain insights from the perspective of a Chinese, who wishes her homeland a greater future by tackling more issues. In addition, to my future readers, I hope these blogs serve as means for you to know more about my personal side, my thoughts,  and my stands on issues.

I would like to thank Nikki especially for keep following and commenting on my blogs. Your level of understanding evaluates the success of my blog! For you, this post will be the end of this long journey; but for my future readers, this is also the first post you will see when opening this site! It will be the start of your new journey in my wonderland.

Every end is another beginning.


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