Blogging Day (Dr. Horrible’s Sing-a-Long Blog)

I believe I already (yet only briefly) mentioned here how Neil Patrick Harris is a god. Well, if you need any more proof, look no further than to Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog.

How it appeals

There’s someone in this impeccable cast for everyone. Whether you’re already a die hard NPH fan…nph

Or if Nathan Fillion from “Castle” fame is more your style…nathan

Even Simon Helberg (Howard from “The Big Bang Theory”) makes an appearance!simon

And if you’re not a “traditional” musical fan, Dr. Horrible is perfect for you!

For one thing, the entire musical is available for (free!) viewing on Youtube. You can break out the popcorn and watch with friends wherever there’s wifi, or from the comfort of your bed snuggled with your pillow pet.

Secondly, the musical is only 45 minutes long! 45 minutes, about the time it takes to watch your favorite TV drama online! (this is me trying nicely to tell you you have no excuses not to try it out, especially since I’m including the link).

So what is Dr. Horrible about exactly? Well, you have NPH starring in the now-“Breaking Bad”-infamous antihero role. All Dr. Horrible wants to do is be a true villain, get into the Evil League Of Evil, and (of course) win the girl. So you can’t help but to root for him and root against Captain Hammer, the devilishly handsome “good guy” thwarting Dr. Horrible’s actions.

Dr. Horrible’s Sing Along Blog (which, by the way, only has some speak-to-fourth-wall-audience-blog elements. The rest is told through mostly-traditional story format) has its fair share of hilarious and tragic moments. It takes you on a great emotional roller coaster ride all within its little time frame.

I absolutely love this song “A Man’s Gotta Do” because it highlights each of the character’s personalities so well. Whether it be the love-sick and frustrated Dr. Horrible, the show-offish narcissistic Captain Hammer, or the wide-eyed and innocent Penny, the song mixes plot and humor so well, you’ll be engrossed from the moment Captain Hammer lands on the van to the (hilariously) angrily uttered word at the end.


3 thoughts on “Blogging Day (Dr. Horrible’s Sing-a-Long Blog)

  1. Disclaimer: I’m from another RCL class I just really like seeing what people have done for passion blog. That being said- I love Dr. Horrible! I honestly start singing “Laundry Day” everytime go to do laundry here, and my younger brother and I are known to burst into Dr. Horrible songs without warning. Great review!

  2. Yeah, great summary! I’ve watched Dr. Horrible’s before because it’s so readily available and it is definitely is a lot of fun! I think that it could really be a good way for people who may not previously have had an interest in musicals to gain one because it is so funny, light-hearted, and short. I think there’s a sequel in the works too, right? Exciting stuff!

  3. This is such a fun blog! I may be a little biased because I love musicals too, but I really like how enthusiastic you are throughout your post. It really made me want to keep reading and watch the musical! You did a great job about just giving us hints as to what the plot is about without giving too many details. I can’t wait to read your other posts.

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