Rough draft- Paper one

Having a yogurt that helps your digestive system, and having a low-fat yogurt are trademarks for Dannon. The commercials for those Dannon products explain why someone should buy those products by giving the facts of how it helps the human body. For those products, it almost doesn’t matter if Dannon makes the yogurt look tasty, but that is not the case for their relatively new Oikos Greek yogurt. To sell Greek yogurt, there are little health benefits to picking Greek yogurt over regular or digestive helping yogurts, so Dannon needs to make the yogurt seem like it’s a treat. In the commercial, there are no facts and figures, but it focuses on the interaction between John Stamos and the female actress. He teases the female in the scene and makes the yogurt look delicious. By using the ethos of John Stamos and focusing on his interactions in the scene, Dannon makes their Oikos Greek yogurt appealing to the consumer.

Dannon uses the strong ethos of Stamos to instantly give credibility to their Greek yogurt. Most people who see Stamos know he is Greek, and will make the connection when they see him in a Greek yogurt commercial. Since Stamos is a proud Greek man, having him in the commercial means that he endorses the product. Just by having that element in the commercial, it makes Oikos appear to be a high-quality Greek yogurt because it is reaches a high enough standard for Greeks. That immediately makes the yogurt worth some consideration, and makes it credible.

Once Oikos appears credible, the actors’ actions in the commercial highlights the taste of the Greek yogurt. The first half of the advertisement shows Stamos teasing the woman in the scene with the yogurt. He keeps eating the yogurt for himself, and each bite illustrates a delightful expression. His facial expressions in the commercial makes the Greek yogurt look delicious and will produce the same reaction if eaten by anyone else. Also, the fact that he does not want to share a single bite of the yogurt makes the yogurt appear to be desirable and worth keeping to one’s self.

On top of that, Dannon uses the commonplace of a woman being able to beat up a man in a commercial to grab the attention of the consumer. After Stamos teases the woman by stealing her bite of yogurt three times, the woman grabs his arm and heatbutts him. Stamos flies off of his chair, and the woman takes her first bite of yogurt. By portraying this scene with a silly headbutt, it adds a humorous element to the commercial. Having a funny scene in a commercial makes it more likely that consumers remember the commercial in a positive way and want to purchase the product. If Dannon chose to do the opposite and have Stamos headbutt the woman, it would’ve turned the humorous scene into a cruel and unusual commercial.

Not only does the headbutt scene add humor to the commercial, but it emphasizes the point that the yogurt is delicious. Throughout the commercial, Stamos does not let the woman get a bite until she knocks him out of his seat. She feels that she needs the yogurt so badly that she headbutts Stamos for it. This suggests that the Oikos Greek yogurt is so tasty that it is worth bashing someone over the head, otherwise she would have let him continue to eat the yogurt himself. Making that point that she will do something so crazy to get the yogurt increases the desirability of the product and appeals to the consumer.

Dannon’s Oikos Greek yogurt commercials attract consumers through the use of Stamos’ strong ethos and his role in the commercial. By having a Greek actor play the main role in a Greek yogurt advertisement, the ethos immediately makes the yogurt stand out. If Stamos is in the commercial, it means he endorses the product, and he is willing to associate his name with this brand of Greek yogurt. In addition to that, his role in the commercial of teasing the woman and getting knocked over show that the yogurt is delicious and is worth fighting over. Also, the absurd way he gets hit out of his chair adds a humorous element that appeals to the consumer. John Stamos’ appearance in the commercial created an appealing Greek yogurt brand that sets Oikos apart from the other competitors.


2 thoughts on “Rough draft- Paper one

  1. 1. Identify the writer’s main claim about the rhetoric, ideology or and subtext of the piece.
    The advertisement uses the ethos and actions of prominent John Stamos to demonstrate how appealing the yogurt product is.
    2. Identify and comment on the writer’s introduction of a context (rhetorical situation) for this piece of rhetoric (think of the Starbucks and Cheetos paper) Name one thing that might be added, deleted, changed, or moved.
    Consider adding a bit about where the scene is set. The setting can make the scene that more relatable to viewers.
    3. Warning flags: check any of the following predominant themes this paper contains that might suggest a weak introduction or thesis:

    Advertising is everywhere___ Ads try to persuade us___

    Life really isn’t like what the ad proclaims__ Ads have many components__Ads are deceptive__ The ad did a great job__ The ad catches your eye__

    4. Find a strong analytical topic sentence and a weak one. Explain why you have identified them as such.
    Strong-“Not only does the headbutt scene add humor to the commercial, but it emphasizes the point that the yogurt is delicious.” This sentence stresses how desirable the ad makes the yogurt seem, and desire a key tool in terms of rhetoric.
    Weak-“On top of that, Dannon uses the commonplace of a woman being able to beat up a man in a commercial to grab the attention of the consumer.” While being a solid sentence I think it could potentially be worded slightly better.
    5. Comment on the organization of the piece. What other possible arrangement strategies might make more of the material and develop arguments more fully?
    The paper seems to have pretty good flow from one paragraph to the next and works well with the development.
    6. You wanted to read more about….
    The character of John Stamos and how they made the yogurt look. Did they make the yogurt look like many food commercials?

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