The Pedley Research Group is moving to the University of Iowa in January 2025!


The Pedley Research Group

Identifying Molecular Chaperone Involvement in Cellular Metabolism



The Pedley Research Group strives to understand how the structure, function, and fate of metabolic enzymes are regulated by molecular chaperones. We leverage chemical, biochemical, and genetic tools to investigate the chaperone-associated mechanisms in response to changes in cellular biomass demand and nutrient availability. Insights gathered from these findings aim to identify new drug targets and inspire novel therapeutic strategies to treat MYC-driven cancers.



2024 Lab News

A complete listing of Pedley Research Group Lab News can be viewed here.

  • The Pedley Lab caught a glimpse of the Total Solar Eclipse from the Penn State Arboretum.
  • Dr. Pedley gave a talk at the 29th Annual Midwest Stress Response and Molecular Chaperone Meeting at Northwestern.
  • We welcome Chemistry Ph.D. student, Sydney Gavula, to the team to study the metabolic consequences of Hsp90 inhibition in cancer cells.
  • We welcome Tom Hassler to the team to work on the structural evaluations of protein-chaperone complexes.