
As I understand Nanotechnology is the study of understanding and using atomic and molecular scale matters! In my opinion in next decade or in next few years Nanotechnology will become really important in science and engineering fields! And do you believe in technology? Or do you think that all inventions of scientists are worthwhile for humanity? Of course, lots of these inventions are helpful and useful. Also, some of them have created new periods in past. They played a big role for coming modernity. However, there are some inventions that seem very effective but they have brought new problems for humanity and environment. Especially, at the beginning of an invention, people don’t realize that it will become big problem. Nowadays, people are taking notice of this kind of things. Nanotechnology is one of these inventions which are needed to be discussed from point to point. Today, there are some people who believe that nanotechnology is dangerous; however some scientists think that nanotechnology has great benefits because it helps people to invent new things for the future.
Nanotechnology is a huge area which gives opportunity for other technologies to create better products. With the benefits of nanotechnology, it will be easy to develop new things. First of all, I want to explain a little bit what nanotechnology is.  deals with very little structures which is 100 times smaller. At this scale, properties of products can be changed, giving one the ability to create new things such as create more precise, cleaner, better, stronger and more durable products. For example, today, there are some kind of battery which is produced with nanotechnlogy, much more durable than before. In addition, in the future, it will be easy to invent new products and machines because nanotechnology will play vital role on manufacturing.

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