Social Media

Social networking is a phenomenon that has token the world by storm mostly over the last decade. People are now able to communicate over the internet, which evolved into social networking sites such as Friendster, MySpace and Facebook and Twitter. This evolution has yielded ever-expanding ways of communicating with people over the internet. No longer is it possible to only send text messages. Now, people can send text, pictures, videos and more and have access to all of these files via their social networking accounts. Social networking has become particularly valuable to small businesses, who can utilize the power of these networking sites to promote, improve and sustain their businesses. Such social networking sites help small businesses grow, reach new heights and simultaneously increase annual profits.
Social networking is a term used to describe the online community and individual services, platforms and hosts that provide the networking of individuals. And most interestingly we depend on social media.  Facebook has more taht 500 million active users, people spend over 700 billion minutes per month on it, and the average user has 130 friends (“Statistics”). Have Facebook and other social networking sites gotten out of hand? While some people may believe social networking has positive effects on humans, it in fact has negatively altered the way we communicate, our identities, and even our health. As we can see social media did really change the style of our living in this century compared to twentieth century!!!

Check out this video about social media

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