The Global Economy

I think that everything in this world is bounded up, global economy and global environment are bound up with one another. Environmental change is a consequence of economic development. Environmental change and its consequent health impacts are driven by economic grotwh, population growth and urbanization. It has been shown that it is possible to manage economic growth in ways that preserve environmental quality and enhance human health. Achieving the benefits of economic development while minimizing its harmful impacts will require an increased awareness of links between environment and health to improve public health. Achieving these benefits will depend on a greater emphasis on prevention such as managing the environment so that health risks do not occur. This is important because health risks are associated with environmental degradation. We know taht environmental health problems vary form region to region, reflecting geography, climate, and a country’s level of economic development and policy choices. Many environmental health problems are associated with poverty and a lack of essential resources. Economic growth is not sufficient to improve health for all, especially if rising income disparities mean that millions of people will not participate in those advances. As this income gap increases, the health gap is also likely to grow. So we can see that by increasing Economy people might not still be happy!!!

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