Lisa Brungart Leadership Award

The Lisa Brungart Leadership Award



This award is named in memory of Lisa Brungart, former PSEOP member, who passed away in December 2008. It recognizes and rewards a PSEOP member who exhibits exemplary performance; shows outstanding spirit and teamwork; and carries out the duties of their position within their work unit with integrity and dedication. Both on and off campus, the awardee favorably represents PSEOP. The candidate should also foster an atmosphere of cooperation and creativity and innovative ideas which contributes to the efficiency and effectiveness of their peers at Penn State. Superior leadership skills, such as skillful motivation, planning and organization are also required, all of which exemplified Lisa Brungart’s commitment to PSEOP and Penn State.


The Leadership Award may be given to any current PSEOP member who exemplifies Lisa’s spirit in PSEOP and Penn State. A member may only receive this award once in five years.

Nomination Procedure:

Nomination letters should be a minimum of one page, maximum of two pages, and must include the criteria below along with the name and email address of the nominator(s). Nominations should be submitted to Molly Martin,

  • Outstanding Leadership Performance
  • PSEOP Spirit
  • Motivational Skills
  • Planning Skills
  • Organizational Skills
  • Innovative Ideas

Lisa Brungart Leadership Award Nomination form

Selection Process:

The Awards Committee will evaluate the nominations and select the recipient.


The award will be presented at the PSEOP Annual Recognition Banquet. The recipient will receive a $150 cash award, a gift, a certificate.