
This site was created to gather ‘best practices’ when working with PubMed Central and the NIH Public Access Policy.  It includes a variety of useful tools that can be used to reduce your frustration in getting publications into compliance.

Please visit our “Easy Steps to Compliance” page for 6 steps for getting your publications into compliance. Tips are included during various steps to avoid delays, and common pitfalls.

“Tips for Research” provides options when it comes to researching important information for getting publications into compliance.

The site is otherwise divided by audience to include Authors and Grants/Contract Personnel. We also have an ongoing PubMed Working Group whose agendas can be found on this site.

If you have any questions or comments related to this site please leave a comment below.

Are you associated or affiliated with PRI? Do you need a paper to be put into PubMed Central?  Please contact Lisa Ryan (lar101). Thank You!