


“We all should know that diversity makes for a rich tapestry, and we must understand that all the threads of the tapestry are equal in value no matter what their color.”

Maya Angelou

This week’s session in court takes us to Gloucester County, VA, where a transitioning student has been denied the use of the restroom that matches his gender identity. The third Supreme Court case on our list of the top ten this year, G.G. v. Gloucester Country School Board is very relevant to the social climate of our nation.

Gavin Grimm, a student at Gloucester High School, is a transgender male student who began his transition at the beginning of his sophomore year. Having been seeking treatment for severe gender dysphoria, Gavin and his mom notified the high school of his transition so that he could return to school and be allowed to use proper facilities that matched his gender identity. Administrators granted Gavin the ability to use the restroom that agreed with his gender identity; he did so without incident for two months. Unfortunately, after a few weeks the school received complaints from both students, parents, and residents of Gloucester County about Gavin. Thus the school adopted a new policy that forced Gavin to use separate restrooms and facilities that were not in line with his gender identity and were also against ACLU regulations (ACLU—American Civil Liberties Union). This policy still remains and the ACLU has filed a lawsuit against the Gloucester County School Board for discrimination. This policy also violates Title IX and the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. As of October 28th, the Supreme Court agreed that it will review this case from the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals.

Given the current debate about LBGTQ rights in our nation, this case can serve as the one that paves the way for meaningful change; it can change the lives of so many for the better. I feel and I hope that the court will overturn this discriminatory policy in the Gloucester School District because Gavin deserves to express his rights and his gender identity freely; it’s that simple.






2 thoughts on “Equality

  1. I, growing up in a Muslim household with strong religious and cultural values, have my own viewpoint on this issue, however, being assimilated in the States, I do have perspective of both sides of the table when it comes to dealing with issues such as this one. The only solution would be to find a place in the middle where both parties can not disagree, because you can not make both sides happy at the same time. Along with gender exclusive bathrooms, gender neutral stalls should be placed in between the bathrooms so that people who maybe identify with a different gender can use the bathroom without feeling uncomfortable and vice versa.

    Nice post,


  2. This was a very interesting and easy to understand overview of the G.G. v. Gloucester Country School Board case. Obviously segregating transgender students so they have to use their own bathrooms is discrimination, so I hope the Supreme Court will rule in favor of Gavin. Unfortunately, I’m worried that with the continued discriminatory attitude of our country towards transgender students and the fact that if Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nomination goes through we will continue to have a moderate conservative as the tie breaker in the Supreme Court, the court will rule in favor of Gloucester County School Board. Not being able to use the bathroom that alligns with your gender is a blatant act of discrimination that many people who are trans face. I know an “I’ll go with you” movement is in the works that encourages friends of trans to go to the bathroom with people who would otherwise feel unsafe or judged. I definitely hope the court rules in favor of LGBTQ rights in this case.

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