DKNY Perfume Advertisement Analysis



DKNY is already known as one of the high standard brands that offers a complete lifestyle with some sense of international pulse of New York to the global customers. Just like any other luxury brands that we can see today, DKNY also emphasizes on the details of its advertisements as a mean to communicate rhetorically with the customers that seek for satisfaction in buying their products. Be Delicious, one of the perfumes produced by DKNY is seen to have some powerful element of Kairo in its advertisement. In this post, I will carefully analyze how the element of Kairo is being perfectly portrayed to appeal the attention of the consumers.

Firstly, we can see that the focal point of the advertisement is the model that is being used. With the insertion of a sexual allusion in the character of the model, it somehow produces a sensual environment for the people who have a look at the advertisement. Well in the fast growing fashion industry, it is perceived that sexual innuendo is a powerful emotion that is used as a key to obtain the people’s attention. With the addition of the sexy facial expression and body language of the model, this advertisement has strengthened up the appealing mode for the customers to buy it. A part from that, we can also see the usage of the unique shape of the perfume bottle. At a first glance, we may not notice the perfume bottle is placed on top of the green apples as it looks exactly as one of those apples. So this is another persuasive devise is being used by DKNY that promises the scent of the perfume will go exactly as sweet as the taste of the green apple. Well since the target audience is obviously the women, these kind of elements are the catalyst to buy the customers’ hearts. So in Kairo perspective, this perfume has taken to a whole new level of idea that meets the preference of today’s women. It practically seizes the opportunity based on the carefully studied demand from the women. Living in a fabulous like New York City, as we can see a reflection of the empire state building on the perfume bottle, it is indeed a must for every woman to have a good scent as to maintain their good images. Thus, the message that is written on the advertisement that says “Be Delicious” has rhetorically appealed each of the woman to have the urge of buying the perfume.

About Ahmad Aufa Bin Sharip

I am currently a freshman in Penn State University and i am intended to do a major in economics. This blog is a medium where it is meant for me to pour my thoughts and ideas about the topic which i find interesting as well as some views about rhetorical analysis.
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3 Responses to DKNY Perfume Advertisement Analysis

  1. Isabella Frances Teti says:

    I agree with everything you said, although I’m not sure if the target audience is “obviously women.” I bet the advertisers are targeting those women’s romantic partners as well. If that partner wants this women to look like the model, be sexy like the model, or smell as “delicious” as the perfume appears in this ad, it’s not a stretch to imagine them buying it as well.

  2. Wilson Noah Mazile says:

    Great points on your post, it amazing how there are so many different points of view in this one small poster of a woman. All them are correct and crack at the intentions f the producers who made the poster.

  3. Chandler Grace Snow says:

    I believe that you have an excellent point, however, you actually have found a slightly different version of the same poster! There’s a new point to talk about in that, and that’s that both apples sitting next to each other represent her breasts, and thus, make it seem like those are what would be delicious. Other than that, your points are right, and the poster’s meaning has not really changed.

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