
For my e-portfolio I want to design a site that is both appealing to my fellow RCLers as well as my professor. I am excited about the best of blogs section because blogs were obviously a huge part of this semester and I have come a long way from my first ones. I plan on including one of my first passion blogs and then one of my last to show my creative development. In addition I feel I became a lot better using rhetorical analysis techniques for my Civic Issues blogs, especially kairos. I plan on including my history of a public controversy project because it took the most effort for the entire semester and I feel it was some of the best work. I hope that my portfolio is ascetically pleasing and that I include pieces that other students find interesting as well as encompasses and displays to my professor, my development as a rhetor.

Passion Findings

To wrap up my passion blog I would just like to reflect on everything i had learned over the semester. My goal was to observe the campus fashion trends and try to find out which trends were popular and why they were seen so much. I discovered a few things.

First, for college students  it seems that comfort comes first. While we are young people and we do like to look cute, the bottom line is if we have to get up at 8 am and walk a mile in the snow to get to our classes, we will opt for the comfortable crew neck and long winter coat. And after a Saturday night on the town with tight shirts, skirts, and high heel shoes you know that all Sunday you won’t see us in anything that isn’t stretchy or slip-on.

Second, it became very apparent to me that fashion is cyclical. I had heard this expression before but it was really noticeable while observing the trends on campus. A lot of what people considered stylish today were things that were popular in our parents day, with a modern twist. I beleive this is a good thing because it means we are able to reuse a lot of clothes rather than make new ones.

Lastly, my favorite trend I saw on campus was the Do-It-Yourself trend, where people would either make their own clothes or alter clothes they already had in order to make a new look. I thought that this was cool because it allowed people to reuse old material, learn a new skill, showcase their artistic talents and make truly unique clothes, as well as helped people gain value for what they wore. It means much more when you make your own clothes rather than just buying something at a store. I thought it was very refreshing to see this look around campus and it inspired me to considered getting into that fad as well.

Overall, I really enjoyed getting the chance to observe my fellow students. I found it to be a very entertaining study and felt a little like a sociologist. Hopefully, I helped to make other people aware of the trends they see and gave them some background knowledge about where they came from.

Where’s Your Crew?

Forget the hoodie and v-neck sweater for when summer nights start cool. This year it’s all about rocking that crewneck sweatshirt. A crewneck is by definition a shirt with a collarless neckline and when made with a warm material it provides the perfect way to get warm quick and without the annoyance of a zipper or strange feeling of being strangled by a really weak person you can sometimes endure with a hooded sweatshirt.

Crewnecks are popular among students on campus that are involved with clubs or organizations. They were more popular during our parents day so breaking them out again is a type of a throwback. And a lot of the time people continue with the throwback idea by printing vintage logos on them.

But crewnecks are also a favorite of girls too. An oversized crewneck is perfect for achieving that cute without trying look by pairing them with some skinny jeans or leggings. Or you can use them when dressing up by wearing a matching skirt and tights with a statement necklace.

Athletes are another huge fan of the crewneck because it tends to be so much lighter and more convenient to wear as opposed to hoodies or jackets. While sitting on the bench on a cold game day it’s easier to throw on a loose pull over than to struggle with fitting your head through a hoodie.

I feel as though this trend is self-explanatory as to why it is so popular among college students and it’s because the crewneck is so college. John Belushi’s character from Animal House may very well be the poster child of what people think college to be, and he himself is sporting the crewneck. The classic Harvard crewneck is also popular even amongst people who have never even been to Massachusetts. It is such an indispensable article of clothing that has everything a college student is looking for. It keeps you warm but is not overbearing or clunky. It is extremely comfortable and no problem to quickly slip on before rushing to class. Since it is a sweatshirt that means it is basically outwear and doesn’t need to be washed frequently right? It is durable so that it is able to be kept along with you decades past graduation and offer sweet memories of your youth, and it is a perfect canvas for anyone to plaster their school, club, or sports logo right on the front for the world to see. I believe that this is one trend that is going to be around for longer than any of your parents old crews.

WIP paper and project

Here is a small breakdown of my project and paper so far.

Ethos – For my paper I plan to establish ethos by citing and quoting people who have first hand experience with nuclear weaponary as well as citing credible organization for information. For my project I am hoping to recieve some backing from either Green Peace or an organization like it. I think that if I could show that there are professional organizations out there it will give my topic more credibility.

Pathos – This will be an easy one, for the paper I plan to just use verbage to describe the destructive forces of nuclear weapons but I would be able to use pictures, graphs, and even videos for the advocacy project

Logos – Again, fairly simple. Lots of facts and data found from credible websites for both.

Medium – I think for the first part I will just do a paper. I think  a letter or editorial would be too informal and I want the topic to come off as serious. For the project I was thinking just a large display on a three fold board. This will give me ample room to display all my information and pictures.

Audience – I want my audience to be everyday students and people, not military or government leaders. The goal of my paper is to get more people informed and aware of the issues at hand.

Kairos – Considering North Korea is giving everyone a scare I think now is a time as good as ever

50 Shades for Rays (of suns)

Now that the weather  here in State College has FINALLY begun to warm up people are once again excited to be outdoors. Traveling to class doesn’t seem as bad, that is, as long as you’ve got your handy pair of sunglasses protecting your eyes from the increasingly bright rays of sunlight beating down. Now the sun is great. It warms the earth, is makes the flowers grow, and it helps all us pasty people get our skin back to an alive looking color. However, the sun also brings with it blinding rays so sunglasses become a must.

Sunglasses date back to pre-historic times when inuets peoples of the north would wear whale bones with slits in them to protect them from the reflecting light off the sun off the snow. Flash forward to the early 1900’s and that is when sunglasses really started to become popular. It is widely believed that it was celebrities, who were attempting to go unrecognized by fans that made sunglasses as common and as popular as they are today. It is interesting to see how the different styles of sunglasses have progressed through the eras

In the fifties cat-rimmed glasses were popular for women and Marilyn Monroe could often be seen sporting them while dodging ex-husbands. And men coming back from war brought with them aviators.

Then in the 1960’s and 70’s you have Jackie Kennedy making famous her oversized bug eye glass with headscarves. And John Lennon made small round glasses a staple in the hippie wardrobe.

It seemed that in the 80’s everyone from Michael Jackson, to Tom Cruise, to your own mother owned a pair of Ray Ban Wayfarers, because really, what else were you going to wear with your keyboard tie and checkered vans.

Modern Baseball has made popular Oakley Brand sunglasses.

It seems that our generation will be offering Stunner Shades, made popular by Kanye West to the history of sunglasses, which is slightly embarrassing considering they hardly keep the sun out of your eyes and make you look like an alien.

I had attempted to observe campus on sunny day this week and determine which style of sunglasses was the most popular among students, but I was unsuccessful. Many of the above styles were prominent and one did not really outshine any of the others. I am beginning to notice that our generation is enjoy the mixing and matching of different generation’s styles and that produces a new look that is both retro and modern. But I ask you, what is your sunglass of choice. Aviators? Wayfarers? Or Whale-Bone?

Abusive Teachers

It has recently been announced that Rutgers University will be removing their head basketball coach from his position after a video of the coach yelling, shoving, grabbing, and using gay slurs towards his players was released. The video was shocking and it was difficult to see a person that was supposed to be a leader, guide, and role model to these young players, treat them so poorly. The coach has remarked that he is deeply remorseful and sorry and luckily the players seem to be able to move pass this, but it does bring up the issue of how much coach, or teacher, to student abuse occurs in schools, and how damaging can it be to students?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbaYqcMMZ6A – video of Rutgers coach

This post is a sort of addition to my last article about how it can sometimes to be difficult to tell how good of an educator a teacher is. Unless an officially is willing to sit in for every class, every day of the year, which seems virtually impossible, the going-ons within a classroom can really become a mystery.

Most of the people in this class were probably very quick learners in grade school, and most-likely fairly well behaved, probably a teacher’s dream. But we all know that not everyone is like that. For many kids it takes a while to learn material, and when it is difficult the struggle can become even more intense, and that is when they need a teacher most. A teacher must be patient and nuturing because if they themselves become frustrated with the student’s lack of progress and decide to move on or become upset with the student it can have detrimental affects on that student for the rest of his life.

One mother tells the story of her son, a boy she describes as “smart as a whip” but who suffered from ADHD. She criticized the way schools run their curriculum where it is read, memorize, and spit out and claimed that her son was just unable to learn that way. So when he found himself getting poor grades or marks on a consistent basis the teacher, rather than helping, made an example out of him. He displayed the boy’s failing term paper to the rest of the class as an example of what “the worst paper he had ever read” looked like and told the boy in front of all of his peers that he would amount to nothing and that he was plain stupid. The mother claims that this was the turning point in her son’s life. As a 13 year old he was at an age where so many things were changing already and being told that he had no future he turned to drugs, alcohol, and fighting. She claims that if the teacher would have been more supportive and willing to their job, not abuse her son for his attempts at school, then who knows what his future would have been like.

Another teacher in Florida made her sixth grade students write out the words that they missed on their spelling tests using sandpaper on their hands. All of the students claimed that by the end of the day they were bleeding and could hardly use their hands to write anything else down. As college students many of us would most-likely just leave the room and report such abuse, but because most of these kids were ten and eleven years old they feared the further punishment from their teacher and let this continue for months.

One of the most disgusting forms of teacher abuse comes in the form of how some teachers treat disabled students. Cheyenne was a 14 year old special needs student from Ohio who complained to her parents about bullying in school. While at first they thought it was just other students what they found was the abuse was coming from her teacher. Because of the fact that she was special needs many people thought that she might have been lying or twisting the story, but after they put a tape recorder on the girl, what they found was shocking.

“Cheyenne, are you kidding me? Are you that dumb? Oh my God, you are that dumb! Cheyenne, don’t you want to do something to get rid of that belly? Well, evidently you don’t because you don’t do anything at home. You sit at home and watch TV. ” And there was more. “I’m not going to bother grading this test because I know you failed.”

These were all words uttered by someone who was supposed to be helping Cheyenne grow as a person, when instead she was tearing her down.

I won’t even start to go into the other types of abuse that can occur in schools and is sexual related but one can only imagine what that kind of relationship does to a young student.

In teacher’s defense we are living in a society that is very quick to jump to the lawsuit. While I don’t doubt any of these testimonies given I have personally seen situations where a student will purposely push a teacher to their limit just to get a reaction out of them and then complain about how that teacher got mad at them. Or when a teacher will give an extended deadline or offer extra help to a student who refuses to take it and then becomes upset with their less than desirable grade and the teacher’s disappointment in them. Of course in the case of children this abuse is inexcusable but I know a lot of high school students that learned how to work the system in their favor and turn the abuse around.

The classroom or the basketball court is a place where a trusted adult should be there to help students grow and develop. It has been proven that students will do this best in an environment that is nuturing and they are constantly encouraged to improve with constructive criticism. When teachers or coaches become a negative force in a child’s life it can affect that child for the rest of their life. As soon as a teacher calls a student stupid or tells them they have no future it becomes a lot more likely that they are right.





Portable music has come a long way. We started out with this in the 80’s…   But boomboxes were heavy, plus, they caused a lot of problems for people like Radio Raheem. People wanted to listen to their music while they walked, or rode buses, but having it just blasting from a boombox was disrespectful, noisy, and got a lot of dirty looks if it included profanity. This meant that companies had to design products that could be small enough to carry, but also that could have small, loudspeakers, or headphones, get plugged in to. The results were Walkmans first, and then CD players, and the headphones looked a little something like this.   I’m sure many of you rocked these headphones on car rides back from grandma’s house plenty of times in your childhoods. But they problem was the were so big and uncomfortable. Also if the little soft padding ripped they would rub up harshly against your ears and made listening to the Backstreet Boys far less enjoyable. Then our little minds were blown when the iPod came out. Not only was the mp3 itself revolutionary since it could hold your entire CD collection, but each one also came with its own set of strange little ear buds that popped right into your earholes. Intrusive…maybe. But eventually you had to convert. Anyone caught with the old school headphones was associated with someone who was still carrying around a CD player and thus was not cool enough to sit next to you on the bus while you wore your sleek, stylish, ear buds.

But now there is a new product that everyone must convert to, and it seems slightly backwards. Before we chastise people for wearing the huge headphones but ever since Dre came out with his new Beats, that is what you will see people sporting around campus.


Now these headphones are quality. They have amazing audio performance, block out almost all outside noise, and cost a small fortune. So the same basic principle applies. iPods were much more expensive than CD players and the small ear buds that came with it signified that you enjoyed the finer things and that you had cash to burn, and it’s the same thing with Beats. However, it is interesting how trends can change so quickly and while before we hated the look of huge clunky headphones, after manufacturers increased performances and jacked up the price, all of sudden music just wasn’t as good without them. So what is your opinion? Buds or Beats?

WIP persuasive essay

“Nuclear weapons give no quarter. Their effects transcend time and place, poisoning the Earth and deforming its inhabitants for generation upon generation. They leave us wholly without defense, expunge all hope for meaningful survival. They hold in their sway not just the fate of nations, but the very meaning of civilization.”

-General Lee Butler, formerly responsible for all US Air Force and Navy strategic nuclear forces

We knew the world would not be the same. A few people laughed, a few people cried, most people were silent. I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad-Gita… “Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.”

-Robert Oppenheimer, scientific director of the Manhattan project

“I hope my missions were the last ones of their kind that will ever be flown.”

-Charles Sweeny, pilot of ‘Bock’s Car’ the plane that dropped ‘Fat Man’ on Nagasaki

Prior to a few weeks ago your mind probably never drifted towards thoughts of the dangers nuclear weapons pose and you were probably perfectly happy. However now all over the news the threat of a nuclear attack from North Korea and even so you’re probably only giving the whole thing a thought or two. “They’ll never be able to reach us” or  “Our government will take care of it.” These are the thoughts most people have towards nuclear warfare. So why does the average, everyday citizen merely breeze by the thought of nuclear fallout while all the men who spoke the quotes above seem to have only the most upmost concern for the matter? It is because the men above all had firsthand experience with the danger and power of atomic weapons and the unspeakable danger the pose to our world, while we as everyday citizens are hardly educated about the number of nuclear weapons existing or the dangers associated with them. Because of the lack of knowledge we have we hardly ever think about it, let alone do anything to stop them. But if we knew more would we stand up? General Lee Butler was the last commander of Strategic Air Forces before it disbanded in 1992, and following his retirement from the military became an active member of the movement for nuclear disarmament. If we knew what General Butler knew, would we join the movement as well?

1. Intro

2. Facts and figures

a. number of weapons owned by each country

b. devastation/consequences of nuclear war

i. effects on environment

ii. long term effects

3. Movements

a. Nuclear disarmament organizations

b. what you can do to help

c. future goals

d. call to action

Help, I’m DIY-ing!

Got a hole in your jeans? Sweet, patch them up with a fun fabric. Got a bunch of old tee shirts supporting 5Ks you never actually ran in or high school homecoming games from 2001? Awesome, grab a pair of scissors and make some new fun muscle shirts of tank tops. Take your moms old floral patterns and revamp them to make them cute and current. This is what the new trend of ‘do it yourself’ or DIYing is all about. It is all about taking old articles of clothing, whether from the back of your closet, your parents wardrobe, or the local Goodwill, and using your own talents with a scissor and sewing machine to make fun new clothes that they don’t sell in bulk at the mall.

This DIY trend has resulted in some seriously cute and creative outfits that allow people to access their own personal style and employ that in their clothes. It also gives people something more productive to do with their time and allows them to learn a new, valuable skill that is applicable your whole life. Additionally, it helps people appreciate what goes into making clothes and gives them more pride in what they wear and what they own.

But what is the best part about this trend is what it speaks about our culture. First, I feel it speaks to our generations desire to reuse and recycle. Our whole lives we’ve been being told the importance reusing the materials we have and protecting our resources, and by taking old clothes and making them fresh again we are remembering those lessons. Second, a major way this trend has caught on and is spreading is through social media websites like Pinterest and Instagram where people can post pictures of their creations and give people ideas on how to make their own. Social media is a huge part of our generation and now it is helping to spread a trend that is worthwhile. Lastly, it coincides with the whole idea of being a hipster. A huge part of hipsterism is originality and making your own style is probably as original as it gets. So people today are able to express their own style and be their own person, while sharing and getting ideas from their friends, and also are helping the earth.

While of course making or altering your own clothes takes up a lot more time and energy than just picking out something premade, there are so benefits to it. I hope this is a trend that stays current for a long time.

Should We Abolish Tenure?

“It should be recognized that the proper status of teachers and due public regard for the profession of teaching are of major importance.”
UNESCO (Art. 5 of 1996 Recommendation)

As the United States continues to fall behind many other developed countries of the world in the realm of test scores there has been a larger and larger push to improve our education system. One, if not the most, important factors in a child receiving a solid education is who they are receiving the information from. Intelligent, passionate, creative teachers are necessary to ensure that a child, or college student, is able to grow and develop academically. However, America seems to be lacking in the amount of these skilled educators. There are lots of possible explanations for why our teachers seem to lack the skills necessary to inspire and teach students today but one possible way that is being discussed in order to change the system would be to abolish tenure.

Tenure commonly refers to life tenure in a job and specifically to a senior academic’s contractual right not to have his or her position terminated without just cause. Reaching this point in a professor or teacher’s career is very important to them. Under most teaching contracts the school can simply choose to not sign the educator on for the next year for no apparent reason. Once a teacher obtains tenure however they cannot be let go unless there is just cause. This job security is important for educators because it acts as a type of reward after many years of schooling and dedicated years as teachers. It also allows them the chance to explore new research or teaching methods that could previously have “rocked the boat” and risked their employment. It also protects senor members of the teaching staff from being replaced by younger, new teachers. Teaching used to be a profession that was considered to be guaranteed and to always have available, steady jobs. But now that there is a push to eliminate the unskilled teachers from the system all educators are under constant surveillance and pressure to “teach better”. If teachers cannot produce the adequate test scores from their class or get bad reviews then their job is in jeopardy. While this might help to improve test scores it may be hurting students and discouraging future teachers. Another huge reason education is not a field many people want to get into anymore is the fact they there are not many benefits to it. The paychecks are very low in comparison to some other, perhaps less crucial jobs. And the fact that it is so easy to be let go is frightening to young teachers with student loans. By offering tenure it gives an incentive for more people to want to go into teaching and is a reward for those already in it. Proponent of tenure claim that if the University is careful to hire good professors from the start then once they review their application for tenure they will find that they still have the same level of passion. In addition after they have tenure some professors and teachers will be more comfortable challenging the authorities of a university or pursuing more intensive research. Educators should not have to fear speaking about certain concepts or topics because the University will punish them. And a solid staff of tenured professors creates an environment filled with knowledgeable teachers with experience. Tenure definitely protects those good teachers and professor who worked hard to achieve it, but it also protects the not-as-good ones and keeps members of the teaching staff on board while other, better teachers may be out of a job.

In order to obtain tenured professors or teachers commonly have to display outstanding teaching and research efforts. However, since it is difficult to accurately rate how effective the teaching is, more often than not professors must focus most of their efforts of pursuing research topics and writing papers that commonly no one reads. While conducting this research it means that they focus less on creating valuable lesson plans, thinking of enriching assignments, and on their students in general. Their day to day duties can get passed down to junior faculty or teaching assistants which provides their students with an education unequal to what they need or are paying for. Then once a professor or teacher is granted their tenure there is little more incentive to perform. They have achieved their job security and for those teachers they have lost their passion, their job becomes unimportant to them and they become lazy. Also hurting their students.

The system for obtaining tenure seems to be all around detrimental to education. Teachers and professors are put in a position where they are fearful about job security so they need the tenure. But by attempting to gain it they are essentially forced into being less attentive educators, so the students suffer. Then after they do get it there is a chance that they will become lazy and abuse their new found job security. It is definitely a controversial issue and the debate has become extremely topical. Improving our education system is a major concern since we want our youth to be able to compete with other industrialized countries. By improving our teachers and professors the idea is that we will see the results in the student’s test scores. However, pressuring the teachers to teach to the test or conduct unnecessary research in order to achieve tenure is not the proper way to gain these results. In addition by granting these teachers tenure it could possibly result in educators who do not have any motivation or incentive to teach to the best of their abilities any longer. However, if we eliminate the tenure system it may detour future teachers from pursing a degree and other skilled lectures will feel abused because of their lack of job stability. It would seem that the entire system needs to be revisited. Teachers and professors deserve to be treated fairly and since they are responsible for the nurturing and shaping of our nation’s youth their pay and benefits should reflect that. However, it is also extremely important to make sure the right teachers are in these positions as well.