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Unit 8: Final E-Portfolio


The final e-portfolio, the last assignment for this course, will comprise a selection of your very best work from both semesters of Rhetoric and Civic Life (regardless of whether you changed to a different instructor between semesters).

The objectives of the e-portfolio assignment include:

  1.  to reflect on the work you have done this semester by revisiting that work with an eye to revision and to individual assignments’ place in the larger scheme of the course
  2. to learn—and put into practice—the difference between revision and proofreading/editing
  3. to use rhetorical skills, once again, to design and present that work to a broad online audience that might include Paterno Fellows or SHC administrators, future employers, friends, parents, and the like
  4. to reflect on the rhetorical dimensions of such broad self-presentation and to make design decisions accordingly


For this assignment, you will want to pay close attention to the rhetorical impact of design and arrangement, and you will also want to revise earlier assignments based on feedback you received as well as things you have learned subsequent to that point in the semester. Revision ought to take into account approaches to writing style you have learned during the semester as well.

In preparation for this capstone assignment, the last few class meetings will be spent revisiting earlier assignments, reading and talking about revision.


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