Breaking Bad


Over winter break I really got into a new T.V. show called Breaking Bad. Its a pretty popular show, so many of you have probably heard of it. Ever since the show premiered I had heard that it was “amazing” and that I “had to watch it,” but I didn’t understand how a show about an old white guy who cooks meth could be interesting. I was SO wrong. During the break my friend finally convinced me to watch it… and it was the best decision I have ever made. This show is wonderful.

Breaking Bad is an American crime drama television series created and produced by Vince Gilligan. Set and produced in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Breaking Bad is the two-year-long story of Walter White, a struggling high school chemistry teacher who is diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer at the beginning of the series. He turns to a life of crime, producing and selling methamphetamine, in order to secure his family’s financial future before he dies, teaming with his former student, Jesse Pinkman.

Season 1 revolves around the plot of a struggling high school chemistry teacher, Walter White, who is diagnosed with inoperable, advanced lung cancer. On a ride along with his DEA agent brother-in-law Hank, Walter sees a former student of his, Jesse Pinkman, fleeing the scene of a meth lab. He later contacts Jesse and devises a scheme to become partners in an attempt to combine their skills to manufacture and distribute methamphetamine. Walter says he wants to provide financial stability for his pregnant wife, Skyler and disabled son, and to pay for his expensive cancer treatment. During Walter and Jesse’s first days of selling Albuquerque’s finest meth, they encounter a series of problems with local drug dealers. He continues to produce meth despite these setbacks under the name ‘Heisenberg’.

Season 2 Revolves around the plot of Walter continuing to find himself facing insurmountable medical bills from his cancer treatment. Despite having had several bad experiences while producing meth with Jesse, Walter agrees to rejoin his partner. The two begin producing meth but run into multiple problems. Jesse’s friend Badger is arrested while selling meth in a sting operation. Walter hires a lawyer, Saul Goodman, to help Badger. Walter and Jesse drive an RV into the desert and produce meth for four days. Later, Combo, another of Jesse’s friends and distributors, is killed by a rival gang for selling meth on their territory. Saul suggests the two find a new distribution model. Throughout this, Jesse has been building a relationship with his neighbor and landlord, Jane. Jane, who is a recovering addict, relapses and the two begin doing heroin. Saul finds them a new business partner, Gus Fring, who is willing to pay $1.2 million for the 38 pounds of meth they produced. Walter hastily delivers the product to Gus, but misses his daughter’s birth. Walt withholds Jesse’s half of the money because of his drug use, but Jane finds out about it and blackmails Walt. Walt visits Jesse’s house and witnesses Jane choking on her own vomit, but perceiving her as an enemy, sits idly beside her and lets her die. Skyler confronts Walter about his frequent absences and excuses. She begins to piece together his secret life and demands that they separate.

So… that’s all the recap you guys get for now. If you want to learn what happens next, you’re going to have to watch the show! In all seriousness though, this show is amazing and I strongly recommend it!


  1. I started watching Breaking Bad over winter break too! Unfortunately, due to my younger brothers starting the series before me I started watching half way through the series, but I have watched at least 2 season worth of episodes. The writers are so talented and have a knack for creating suspense and leaving shows with crazy cliffhangers. I think I have decided that I really dislike Skyler. After the first season, I think that her character became a little too irrational. While I understand that the writers were trying to get across how someone would react to being married to a meth cook, she was overly reactionary and very frustrating to watch. Maybe I just haven’t gotten far enough in the series yet. Three seasons is a lot of time for character development.

  2. Breaking bad is definitely one of my top 5 favorite shows of all time. I started watching it this fall and finished it in a very short amount of time. Once I started it was addicting and I could go hours on end if I had the time just watching the show. I think part of the reason that the show is so awesome is the way the producer develops the characters. over the course of a season, you can go from liking character, to hating them, and back to liking them five different times. It is this dynamic nature of the characters that really keeps the viewer on edge and makes the show so great.

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