Daily Archives: February 21, 2013

So Spain is Actually a Snoozefest


Wouldn’t you love it if that was an integral part of American culture?

Unfortunately, we Americans tend to be more of the work-a-holic, eat-and-go, fly-by-the-seat-of-our-pants.  However, in the summer months when the sun is just too hot and my body starts to snooze and grow weary, I welcome the siesta like any good Spaniard would.

Siesta, arising from the latin words hora sexta, meaning the sixth hour, is traditionally taken quite literally at the sixth hour after dawn.  In other words, a siesta is a midday, after-lunch nap.  While true, the siesta is usually a part of cultures that feature warmer-than-usual temperatures (i.e. Spain in the summer), it also is prevalent in cultures that feature a heavy midday meal, and such is the case in European lifestyles as well.  Of course, this creates the perfect conditions for a nap!

Traditionally, early afternoon would allow shops to shut down temporarily, and people would rest with friends and family.  However now, especially with Spanish economy on the decline, many people are swapping extra hours of work for siestas.  Unsurprisingly, in our increasingly fast-paced world, this cultural tradition is for the most part on the decline.  However, there are scientific and research-backed reasons as to why siestas should remain a good idea when possible; for example, researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, argue for the biological and neurological benefits, such as improved memory, of the brain-boost that is napping.  Of course, such benefits are not only for the traditionally Spanish two hours of shut-eye; instead, even just 20 minutes of snoozing in a library Knowledge Commons chair can leave you feeling refreshed and ready to learn.

And so, next time time your eyelids are drooping and the sun is beating, make like the Spaniards do and enjoy some quality siesta-time.  The tradition isn’t dead yet, and after all, doesn’t our over-working provide a good enough excuse? Buenas noches, amigos!

American Education, or American+Foreigners Education?

For my last Civic Issues post, I entwined my topic of choice, Education, with another CI topic – that time, gender.  I think it is important as well as fascinating to explore how the different CI topics relate to each other, so this week I delved into what diversity in education looks like, specifically the issue (or non-issue) of foreign students in higher education.  The presence of these students are harmless, if not beneficial, to many; however, others argue that foreign students’ ability to take American spots in college (and later, possibly the work force) should be monitored or capped.  With all our nation’s talk about immigration reform, I found the system of foreign students’ integration into American society enlightening as well as question-raising.

First off, the facts, because most are probably unaware of the process of the roughly 760,000 foreigner‘s enrollment in U.S. universities, such as our own.  Students must obtain a visa – as a means of permission, almost – in order to study here. However, this specific document (an F-1 visa) holds implications that the students will return to their home countries after their period of study, and they actually must try to prove they will return as a means of acquiring the ticket to U.S. education.  However, it is indeed possible for the graduating student to upgrade his/her F-1 to a temporary work visa that is valid for up to 12 additional months.  Still, many students hope to score the H-1B – the work visa.  Herein lies the controversy, for while some are unhappy with foreigners scooping up the already-scarce American jobs, others argue that bright, foreign students are necessary to America staying ahead (echoing the Option 1 of the in-class Education Deliberation, eh?).  President Obama himself has stated, in regards to foreign students becoming American workers, that “In the global marketplace, we need all the talent we cant attract… we don’t want the next Intel or the next Google to be created in China or India.  We want these companies and jobs to take root here.”  Many others share this sentiment, stressing that a large proportion of our country’s companies, innovations, and research discoveries – our country’s success, ultimately – was due to the talent of foreigners on American soil.

Of course, foreigners in the work force often begin as students of the American higher education system, and many colleges and universities share their diversity statistics with pride.  Institutions of higher education may market themselves on the basis of providing prospective students with a more holistic, global education and student body that only their international students provide – a facet that is becoming  increasingly desirable as our society itself continues to undergo globalization.  In my opinion, this too is valid, for I have often heard friends share how cool it was to hear the perspective of the foreign student in their class who can personally relate to class material in a way that Americans can’t.  In class, you and I also are learning the value of diversity of experience and opinion when deliberating certain issues.  However, while international students may be desired for these admirable reasons, there is something else at work here too: money.  Foreign students contribute $21 billion a year to the national economy, and most importantly, they contribute full tuitions.  No financial aid, no scholarships, no in-state tuition.  Colleges and universities are not required to give them anything.  Actually, some colleges actually charge them additionally fees, such as Purdue University’s $1000-$2000 fee. So then, foreigners become an economic advantage, for what exactly makes an American student worth thousands – or tens of thousands, even – of dollars? Beyond filling quotas, essentially nothing.

While there are many sides to the situation of foreign students at American institutions, some may beg the (stasis) question of Definition: is this a problem, even?  Is it so bad that in an increasingly global society, we are accepting global students – especially when we have no problem with studying abroad ourselves? What do you think – does the benefit outweigh the cost of denied entrance, either in college or the work force, of Americans?



A Moderating Philosophy

My moderating style – or what I believe it should be, rather – is inclusive.  An invitation, it is inviting and warm. It operates on the assumptions that all comments are safe and well-received, and it is sustained through fostering an environment of low tension and overall acceptance.  My moderating style holds little power, save only for hopefully drawing out thoughts from the silence of an outnumbered guy or a shy girl.  I aim to be mostly a mere calming smile – who can be inquisitive at times.  Absolutely no condescension. Idealistic? Perhaps.  But I believe that walls and presuppositions can only be knocked down with openness, and I even more strongly believe that these walls of stubbornness must go.

Why do I strive for such idealism? As a product of an environment surrounded by extreme partisanship (and bashing) that has ultimately left a sour taste, I have grown to have little tolerance for hard-headed one-sidedness.  It has shown to create theatrics and a universal us vs. them attitude – yet little else. To me, the term moderation lends itself to the idea that people must be moderate – at least in terms of an absence of non-negotiable, steel convictions. Beliefs are okay, but that’s just it. Beliefs are okay. I aim to avoid spirals of silences and overbearing opinions, again, most likely in rebellion of my at-times seemingly brainwashed family and some friends.  For this reason, my goal is the opposite: an anti-conflict environment in which each position or possibility is explored, regardless of whether those beliefs are shared by group members themselves or instead led into discussion by yours truly – the moderator.  Eventually, opinions may and should be formed, but only as long as group members are led to truly consider the options and implications.