Technology or Real Life?



This political cartoon is a metaphor for the large influence technology (specifically iPhones) have had on our society.  The two words that stick out the most are “iPhone” and “iLife”, and the notion that these two things are opposites is clearly displayed by the arrows pointing away from each other.  In this we sense some irony because we don’t usually consider cell phones and life opposites.

The man in the middle installs some fear into us.  First of all, the illustrator of this cartoon intentionally decided to make him look unattractive: he is pudgy, has a big nose, his hair is messy, and his facial expression seems blank and bare while he is staring at his phone.  His facial expression in particular stimulates fear because it describes how bland and dull our minds are becoming from using our phones every hour of the day.  This is also a little ironic, because you assume that if he chooses the “iPhone” path, he would be happy, but staring at a cell phone does not even bring him, or anyone, happiness.  Getting a like on your Instagram picture does not substitute for the happiness stirred from playing a sport with friends or even just having a face-to-face conversation with someone.

Lastly, the man has all his belongings with him, implying that switching paths to the “IPhone” way of life requires all of you.  Becoming obsessed with your phone and/or technology as a whole can singlehandedly take over your whole life, not just a few hours of your day.  This cartoon is in place to suggest that technology may have too big of an impact on us.  We should not have to choose between a life full of technology or a life without it.  However, the advanced technology we have today is slowly bringing us to make that decision.

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