This past week, I was going through the political section of the news, wondering what was the most exciting topic of the week. However, between Brexit and the 2020 presidential run, it was hard to pick. However, it finally hit me that in order to grasp all these difficult issues at hand- in order to understand the role of the United States in the international system, we first have to analyze our leader. How did he go from a reality TV star to the president of the United States – one of the most recognized States in the international system? What type of people were voting for him, and why? And lastly, what are his policies, promises, and stats?
The Beginning

Donald J. Trump is the son of real estate mogul, Fred Trump. The elder Trump was known for essentially conning the US Government into giving him funds, and money, in order to build hundreds of structures in NYC. He was building these houses and shopping centers for much less than the grants he received, and at one point had to return a great deal of the money in order to avoid being charged with criminal acts. His father’s involvement in real estate was more than likely an inspiration for Donald Trump because that’s where he got his start, as well. Trump invested a grand amount of money in building and owning millions upon millions of dollars worth of New York real estate. He was essentially a business mogul, which led to him securing a reality TV show “The Apprentice” (and later, “The Celebrity Apprentice). Because Trump had many businesses (even though many of them failed, and his business namesake was on the brink of bankruptcy), he was able to have his own show where he judged their ability to contribute to a project or task, work under stress, and ultimately prove that they are the best possible businessman or woman. “The Apprentice” ran long enough to establish Trump as a famous buisnessman, and give him a big enough platform to do what many thought was a joke – run for president. As the year of 2016 approached, talk of who would be running on each side was interesting and exciting. There were many people who were expected – Hillary Clinton and former Governer Martin O’ Malley for the Democrats, and for the GOP- Sen. Rick Santorum, Sen. Ted Cruz, Sen. Lindsey Grahm, and Sen. Rand Paul- all valid and expirienced people. However, talk of Donald Trump running was more of what everyone thought was a hoax. As the debates continued, runners were being weeded out left and right. The reality that the man who no one believed would win, had a really incredible shot of taking it all. Fast forward to 2016, the day of the election- Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are the final two and in the end, Trump is the next president of the United States.
After the election, there was a lot of head scratching. I personally remember being absolutley clueless as to how he won. So who voted for him? According to Buisness Insider (obviusly out of people who voted) – 42% of women, and 53% of males. Voters who were aged 50 nad up, who make up 45% of the voting population voted arounf 55% for Trump. 60% of white voters voted for Trump, wheras only 8% of African Americans did. And lastly, those who allign themselves as conservatives voted 81% in favor as Trump as president. So why? What policies and promises did he make to draw those types of numbers?
The Trump administration supports things from banning abortions, to gun rights. He supports charter schools, immigration control, as well as rejecting the scientific basis of climate change.