Dr. Karen Bierman is an Evan Pugh University Professor of Psychology and Human Development and Family Studies and directs the Child Study Center at The Pennsylvania State University. She is the REDI team principal investigator,

Dr. Damon Jones is an Associate Research Professor of Health and Human Development, Prevention Research Center for the Promotion of Human Development at The Pennsylvania State University. He is a REDI team investigator,

Dr. Claudia Mincemoyer is Professor Emerita of Agricultural and Extension Education and Director of the Better Kid Care Program at the Pennsylvania State University. She is a REDI team investigator,

Dr. Robert Nix is an Associate Professor and Extension Specialist for Diverse and Underserved Children, Families and Communities at the University of Wisconsin.  He is a REDI team investigator,

Dr. Janet Welsh is an Associate Research Professor of Health and Human Development and Senior Research Associate, Prevention Research Center for the Promotion of Human Development at The Pennsylvania State University. She is a REDI team investigator and one of the developers of the REDI Language and Literacy Components,


Additional Research Collaborators

Dr. Clancy Blair is a Professor of Applied Psychology in the Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development at New York University.  He was one of the original REDI team investigators,

Dr. Celene Domitrovich is the Vice President of Research at CASEL, a visiting Research Associate Professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, and a Research Associate at the Prevention Research Center for the Promotion of Human Development at The Pennsylvania State University. She is a developer of the Preschool PATHS® Curriculum and was one of the original REDI team investigators,

Dr. Scott Gest is a Professor and Chair of the Department of Human Services at the University of Virginia. He was one of the original REDI team investigators and one of the developers of the REDI Language and Literacy Components,

Dr. Sukhdeep Gill is an Associate Professor of Human Development and Family Studies at The Pennsylvania State University – York.  She is a REDI team investigator,

Dr. Mark Greenberg is the Bennet Endowed Chair in Prevention Research and Professor in the College of Health and Human Development. He is a developer of the Preschool PATHS® Curriculum and was one of the original REDI team investigators,

Dr. Keith Nelson is a Professor of Psychology at The Pennsylvania State University. He was one of the original REDI team investigators,


REDI Intervention Team

Julie Gest, REDI Trainer, Intervention Program Supervisor,

Sandra Stewart, REDI Trainer,


REDI Research Staff

Tracy Spalvins, Research Coordinator, University Park

Shari Keyser-Groff, Research Coordinator, York County

Brad Sizemore, Research Technologist, York County

Linda Jacobson, Statistician

Michele Kelly, Data Manager