Problem Solving

I had an interesting discussion today about the topic of Problem Solving and what is most effective.  There are several points that we made during the discussion that I wanted to note.  First, solving problems requires clarity of thought.  I find personally that I don’t have clarity when I am too busy.  Some of the best problem solvers that I have ever known were the type of person who didn’t flood their lives with business.  Their minds were open and able to go in different directions when a problem confronted them.  The next point revolved around the environment that is necessary to solve problems.  Some people like to have alone time while others need input from others.  Let us know what you think by answering the poll and adding your comments. What is the best way for you to solve problems?online surveys

2 thoughts on “Problem Solving


    This is a very interesting topic and good timing for it. I completed a group project last week for class where each of our group member’s had to find action script to add a preloader to a site each of us were creating for a NY Electronics company. We then needed to vote on the script and then incorporate the same script into our sites. Our group was very good with participation and completing tasks on time. However, we ran into an issue with our script. As a group, we were able to virtually figure our issue out by ourselves. Because each of us completed an earlier assignment slightly different one word in one line of code needed to be modified. One member had a really hard time dealing with this and had a hard time accepting that the instructor would be understandable about this. Another wrench in the project was that our instructor was unavailable late in the week because he was moving, so he was slow to get back to us. Even though our project was completed, it was very stressful because one member had a hard time coping with this. Our instructor finally responded telling us that one of the best traits you can develop is problem solving and thinking on your feet. It sounds like your group did exactly that. BTW, our group received an “A” on our project.

  2. Patty Gruneberg

    Will be very interested to hear the results of this. I am a combo person. I like talking to others when solving problems. It often helps by creating clarity around issues that were buried in my thoughts but are clear enough to the person(s) listening. I also find writing and writing and writing and writing brings about clarity for me, eventually. Whether it is a travel journal, a garden journal, a gratitude journal, a blog(!)..writing it down means I free up some space in my head – and that very space is just what I need to see more clearly! I am known to talk to myself also which is not as helpful as talking to others or writing but allows me to verbally reinforce thoughts in my mind. Listening is another important tool in problem solving…and that I have learned both as a parent and in the workplace!

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