Reflection 5/9/11-5/13/11

It’s Friday the 13th and because I’m so superstitious, I’m looking for black cats to cross my path everywhere. Not really, but I’ll be glad when we get to the 14th 🙂

Masters of Finance
I got a chance to talk on the phone with the instructors for ACCTNG 512 and BUSAD 525. Great discussions and looking forward to implementing so new and familiar strategies to these courses. In ACCTNG 512, the course will be focusing on external users of accounting info. I liked an idea that this instructor mentioned about applying principals based on fictitious companies. There are many possibilities here to make this an immersive activity for maximum student engagement. In BUSAD 525, I think that we will use a similar strategy of providing instruction, knowledge checks, guided practice, and informal assessment as used in PHP 510 Predictive Values Activity. Looking forward to meeting with the Ed Techs and profs in the upcoming weeks to solidify plans.

There were a few more meetings this week. One was a faculty huddle where we discussed the use of video to bridge the distance gap. Great discussion among the faculty about how they personalize their approach. Some use it to bring students closer to the geographical  position of Centre County. Others use it to show their more human side. Still others use it to clarify their expectations. I’m still working on 250 revisons.

Still don’t know faculty for a course that opens on Monday. There are only a few courses opening, so this summer should be manageable. Still it would be nice to know things a bit more in advance.

More work on the course. Glad to have gotten some ideas from Penny Ralston-Berg that will make creation of the simulation more instructionally focused and less on graphics and multimedia. The idea is to get the activity done in the LMS and move to a more rich environment over time.

Started getting outside more this week. Able to play some frisbee golf, football, and softball. Hope for more good weather.

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