Monthly Archives: January 2012

Reflection 01/23/12-01/27/12


  • Amy S has been updating google doc for Summer ’12
  • Spring ’12 courses running
    • IST 110
      • Section 001 – Worked with Fred & Amy about way to use grab information from ANGEL survey. Here is the accompanying video:

      • Section 002 – Canvas going well & updated Lesson 07 link
      • Section 004
        • Helped with correcting confusion by Jan with info on Elive
        • Helped with explaining issues with changing assignments and adjusting gradebook accordingly using the following screenr:
          • Still unresolved after screenr, but talked on phone and reached resolution. Sounds like the LA’s graded and there was a communication problem about how this was done.
    • IST 230 – Advised Larry on how to handle solutions sets for quizzes and problems of the week by including powerpoint. It’s more of a way of flipping the classroom. If the student still doesn’t understand the material, they can schedule a live session.
    • IST 301 – Reminded about how to find teams in ANGEL. Here is a video that I made recently for this
    • IST 331 – Discussed the most efficient way to fix technical problems in a course. Start with WC helpdesk
    • IST 420 – Had a formal meeting with John H and LA. Talked about gradebook and peer eval. Hope to make some adjustments to the development space to make the course more efficient for students and instructor
    • IST 456 – Helped with override settings for assessments in ANGEL. Here is a video that I made:
  • Spring ’12 revisions
    • IST 210 (Heberling)
    • IST 220 (Bertin)
      • Received course proposal that was sent out to faculty on the course committee
        • Sent a reply back to Lisa which provide some feedback and also asking a few questions on 1/23
        • Received a reply and plan to meet via phone on Monday 1/30
        • Here is my proposed agenda:
          • Discuss:

            •  textbooks/online content mix
            • lesson assessment

            o   review questions

            o   discussions forums v. voicethread

            o   randomly generated assessments from a bank

            •  Labs

            o   Questions/concerns

            o   Chance to try – work out bugs

            •  Work flow

            o   ANGEL for materials

            o   Format of materials

            o   Setting up items in ANGEL

            o   Communicating progress

    • IST 240 (Smith)
      • Received note that materials were posted in the development section in ANGEL for Lessons 3 and 4
      • They are in place and note sent to Hal about what to check in the course
    • IST 402 (Cameron) – I’ll be assisting Melissa when needed
    • IST 402 (Saab)
      • Won’t be starting until the beginning of February
    • IST 421 (Hill)
      • Spoke with John H about this on Monday. He plans on contacting me soon about making adjustments
  • Madison proposal
    • After trying to submit our proposal under three presenter unsuccessfully, we decided to have Amy and Gary submit together
    • Gary and I have submitted lightning session proposals separately, just in case
  • Attended the Forum Series Speaker. Here is a blog of my thoughts:
  • Attended the Education Gaming Brownbag:

Ongoing Projects:

Immediate Decisions / Issues:

  • I’ve had a few issues with students who are taking resident courses but using online materials (IST 230) who are requesting assistance from the WC and IST Helpdesk. This is because we forgot to update some materials in ANGEL, but it is also because our syllabus includes items like MSDNAA and Vlabs which are only available for UP and WC students. Here are some solutions that I think will work:
    • Remove the items referenced above from the syllabus and place in ANGEL so that those items can be removed more easily later
    • Create individual drupal sections for each ANGEL section so that instructors can customize if necessary
  • Would it make most sense to have only content on drupal? The other items seems to be better in ANGEL.

Some things that I learned this week:

Back Burner:

  • Gaming, Simulations, and Virtual World Research Committee (maybe Kent and I need to keep this going here at the College of IST or maybe we should consider joining the group from ETS)

Days off / Conferences:

  • January days out of the office 24 & 27 (vaca)
  • February days out of the office 3 (half day vaca in pm), 6 (vaca), & 24 (half day sick-dental/half day vaca)
  • March 24 TLT Symposium – thinking of using this opportunity to practice session for Madison Conference
  • June 22, 25-29 vacation days

Educational Gaming Brownbag: Amazing Race to Geographic Literacy

Attended this today and really enjoyed hearing about the work that was being done to improve geo literacy.

Associate Professor of Earth Science Laura Guertin discussed a version of the Amazing Race game codeveloped with the Educational Gaming Commons. Using a Google Earth API, the game gives students a location and asks them to click on the closest location on the map for points. By presenting a Google Earth interface, it allows students to begin to learn specific locations and understand their geographic relationship.

I see this as a great way of encouraging greater student learning through engagement. Dr. Guertin mentioned that students were more motivated and learned more. The interface was also gamified by placing a leaderboard in. Since this activity was used for learning, it was not formally assessed. But the instructor could learn more about what students were learning and how they accomplished the required task through tracking student movement as they accomplished the task.

There were many requests for the product and many suggestions about how this could be applied to other disciplines like linguistics or history.

Definitely a great session. I’m looking forward to the next brownbag.

Social Media and Personal Privacy

There is an event that happened this weekend that really made me think about social media and how we share information. The event was the passing of legendary coach Joe Paterno. Before his death was officially announced, there were eulogies and messages being posted around the Web, mostly by users of social media. To be completely honest, I was really turned off. No matter how important a person is, they are still a person with family and loved ones. Where do we draw the line? I guess there are many who would call me old-fashioned, but I say let’s show some respect. Let’s let the announcement get out there before starting the frenzy. Just my thoughts.

Reflection 01/16/12-01/20/12


         Started google doc for Summer ’12-based loosely on what John B and I used at wcld

o   Spoke with Amy S and she updated a bit based on what she knew

o   Checked this with Amy G

         Beginning contact and items for Spring ’12 revisions

o   IST 210 (Heberling)

  Sent 1st email about where we are in the process and what we need to do (1/16)

  Met with Gary on Tuesday via skype to put together a plan to propose to the course committee

         Here are a few notes from the meeting:

o   Update to the latest textbook edition ( and create online assessments to go along with those to replace the textbook activities

o   Remove the online course content since it’s redundant with the text

o   Remove Discussion Activities and replace with a few labs

o   Rethink about how the Labs should be set up maybe to tie in with team project

o   Spread out the grading to make more manageable for faculty

o   Assessment (1/3 of the grade)

o   Labs (1/3 of the grade)

o   Team Project (1/3 of the grade)


o   IST 220 (Bertin)

  Sent 1st email about where we are in the process and what we need to do (1/16)

  Determined that we will use ANGEL to transfer files

  The revision will be based on integrating the learning. Labs will tie to the readings

  The course will be designed for 12 weeks and determined later how to expand to 15


o   IST 240 (Smith)

  Answering email about how to proceed with work on the project

         What format he should put his work (html)

         Provided access to IST 331 as an example of good outside resource/internal material balance

o   IST 402 (Cameron) – I’ll be assisting Melissa when needed

o   IST 402 (Saab)

  Sent 1st email about where we are in the process and what we need to do

  Won’t be starting until the beginning of February

o   IST 421 (Hill)

  Need to adjust the course to be 12 weeks from 18.

  Will consider this version the course moving forward

         IST 110 Spring ’12 Section 050: Cliff Maurer

o   Another request for materials from commonwealth campus

o   Imported same materials as for IST 110 WC sections for Spring ’12

o   Moved to supporting materials folder

         IST 301 for Spring ’12 will have a deaf student

o   Dragonfly Dictate is not working as anticipated

  The headphone and adapter that same along with the software for the PC are defective

  The app on the iPhone unexpectedly stops recording before the screenrs are complete

  Sent the videos for captioning to be transcribed manually for now

o   The Harvard Business Review access has been a problem

  The link that we originally got was for educators, not students

  Since staff are not allowed to get into the sight, it is impossible for staff to advise faculty about how to handle student issues

  There is an email that highlights what we need to do to prepare the space for the semester, but this was not shared, only the link

  Need to prepare this better next semester

         IST 402

o   Same issue with Harvard Business Review as described above

         Syllabus link that does not work: Found my Bill C, confirmed by John B and myself and sent off to ist helpdesk to fix which they did

         Madison proposal

o   Met on Thursday and Friday to complete the proposal

o   Amy S and I worked on submitting proposal on Monday but ran into an issue of having multiple presenters.

         LD Community Meeting –


Ongoing Projects:

         Updating google doc for Summer ’12

         Working on Summer 2012 courses: IST 210, IST 220, IST 240, IST 250, IST 260W, IST 295B, IST 301, IST 302, IST 420, IST 421, IST 440W

         Working on checking courses (content isn’t always there) from WCLD to be placed in Drupal through OIDI task list

Immediate Decisions / Issues:

         I’ve had a few issues with students who are taking resident courses but using online materials (IST 230) who are requesting assistance from the WC and IST Helpdesk. This is because we forgot to update some materials in ANGEL, but it is also because our syllabus includes items like MSDNAA and Vlabs which are only available for UP and WC students. Here are some solutions that I think will work:

o   Remove the items referenced above from the syllabus and place in ANGEL so that those items can be removed more easily later

o   Create individual drupal sections for each ANGEL section so that instructors can customize if necessary

         Would it make most sense to have only content on drupal? The other items seems to be better in ANGEL.

Some things that I learned this week:

         In order for students to review comments from a survey in ANGEL, need to make sure that the feedback options are checked. Here’s the process: access the settings then look at the Review tab (Feedback Options).

Back Burner:

         Gaming, Simulations, and Virtual World Research Committee

Days off / Conferences:     

         January vacation days 24 & 27

         Dental Appt scheduled for 2/24/12 (Plan to take half day in the am)

         March 24 TLT Symposium – thinking of using this opportunity to practice session for Madison Conference

         June 22, 25-29 vacation days

It was decided that WAR reports are not necessary, so I’m changing things up and just using my blog. I really don’t like the mix/match font. Also, it’s a bit redundant to do both.

Forum Series Speaker: Linda Patterson Miller

I attended the session described here today:

I wasn’t sure if I’d attended but glad I did. Dr. Miller was an interesting and engaging speaker who brings a fresh perspective on encouraging us to “bring an enhanced level of social, cultural, artistic and human perspective and awareness to communities across Pennsylvania.”

During her talk, she mentioned stories about Fitzgerald and Hemmiway stemming from reading of letters that they had written.

It’s a little strange to me that the personal lives of these people would be in full view of us all, and I wonder what they would think or have written if they knew that these secret correspondences would be read and studied.

But I have to say that I’m interested in going back to read some of the works that I read back in high school like The Old Man and the Sea and The Great Gatsby. I really didn’t enjoy either book, but I’m wondering if it had something to do with being forced to read them and do other academic assignments relating to them.

I have further questions that ran through my head like, “Couldn’t the spread of the message of the importance of the arts be done more effectively by widening the audience using social media tools?”

Reflection: I wouldn’t have gotten this message had I not had the opportunity to attend the event. This message is so important that it needs to be provided to a larger audience. Physically traveling around won’t do as much as using digital means.

There were many questions about how research might change in the future since we wouldn’t have as many letters to read. To me there will be much more to read and study. With the advent of email, social media, and online media in general, there is 100 times more information around.

Great event! Enjoyed this thoroughly.

Reflection 01/09/12-01/13/12


         IST 110 Spring ’12 Section 002 Canvas Pilot

o   Worked on setting up quizzes and assignments

o   Finding the tool to be different and better than other lms’s piloted

o   More is integrated into the interface

o   Very intuitive

         IST 301 for Spring ’12 will have a deaf student

o   Dragonfly Dictate is not working as anticipated

  The headphone and adapter that same along with the software for the PC are defective

  The app on the iPhone unexpectedly stops recording before the screenrs are complete

  Sent the videos for captioning to be transcribed manually for now

o   The Harvard Business Review access has been a problem

  The link that we originally got was for educators, not students

  Since staff are not allowed to get into the sight, it is impossible for staff to advise faculty about how to handle student issues

  There is an email that highlights what we need to do to prepare the space for the semester, but this was not shared, only the link

  Need to prepare this better next semester

         IST 402

o   Same issue with Harvard Business Review as described above

         Syllabus link that does not work: Found my Bill C, confirmed by John B and myself and sent off to ist helpdesk to fix which they did

         Madison proposal

o   Finished on my sections of the document for Thursday meeting

         Attended Ergonomics session

o   I need to consider my posture and standing up every 30 minutes

Ongoing Projects:

         Working on Spring 2012 courses: IST 111S, IST 230, IST 295A, IST 331, IST 402, IST 495

         Working on Summer 2012 courses: IST 210, IST 220, IST 240, IST 250, IST 260W, IST 295B, IST 301, IST 302, IST 420, IST 421, IST 440W

         Check for flash and video that doesn’t show up from the WC version.

         Adding peer evals in drupal to courses.

         Working on checking courses (content isn’t always there) from WCLD to be placed in Drupal through OIDI task list

Immediate Decisions / Issues:

Some things that I learned this week:

         There is an email from WCLD that highlights what needs to be done before the semester starts. Within that email is a link for educators to check to make sure that the correct articles are listed. Then they have a link to share that includes the course packet.

Back Burner:

         Gaming, Simulations, and Virtual World Research Committee

Days off / Conferences:     

         Dental Appt scheduled for 2/24/12 (Plan to take half day in the am)

         March 24 TLT Symposium – thinking of using this opportunity to practice session for Madison Conference

LD Community Meeting – Jan 2012

I decided to attend this meeting in person since it’s really not that far and a great way to see and touch base with others in the larger LD community.

Here are a new notes:

9:00-9:05 Welcome by Jeff Swain
9:05-9:20 Suzzanne Shaffer discussion on critical thinking

  • – great place to dig deeper into what it really means by critical thinking
  • critical thinking is something that must be taught alone and changes based on the content area

9:20-9:40 John Dolan discussion on the use of wikis in a history course

  • Start with a discussion with faculty
  • Provide a prototype for faculty to see
  • Had ITS support
  • ID sets up the wiki
  • Created groups – only those in the group could access
  • Used PSU wikispaces
  • Had some trouble with permissions and restricted pages (one student)
  • Met with faculty to discuss why students weren’t participating early in the semester
  • Removed restrictions to the wiki later in the semester – had to be done manually
  • Used versioning to salvage work that had been deleted by a teammate
  • Prof will use wikis in the future for other classes

9:40-10:00 Matt Meyer on Yammer Experience

  • Best for more global use, rather than with one course
  • Members are added to Yammer – contained
  • Hard to filter comments

Reflection 01/03/12-01/06/12


         IST 110 Spring ’12 Section 002 Canvas Pilot

o   Worked with Amy G on the course with observer Thomas

         IST 111S

o   Deirdre had time to work on the course and we set it up

         IST 301 for Spring ’12 will have a deaf student

o   Dragonfly Dictate is what we will use

o   IST Helpdesk ordered and will install on Rosalie’s machine for the semester

o   Also worked through updating course and gradebook

         IST 302 Sec 002 will have a deaf student

o   Identified video to transcribe

         Madison proposal

o   Met with Amy and Gary on Wednesday

o   Delegated sections to complete the Description

o   Will meet one more time before submitting

Ongoing Projects:

         Working on Spring 2012 courses: IST 111S, IST 230, IST 295A, IST 331, IST 402, IST 495

         Working on Summer 2012 courses: IST 210, IST 220, IST 240, IST 250, IST 260W, IST 295B, IST 301, IST 302, IST 420, IST 421, IST 440W

         Check for flash and video that doesn’t show up from the WC version.

         Adding peer evals in drupal to courses.

         Working on checking courses (content isn’t always there) from WCLD to be placed in Drupal through OIDI task list

Immediate Decisions / Issues:

Some things that I learned this week:

         HBR articles are available to students on the 1st day of class, not before

         Kent knows a lot about fax machines

         how to set up wireless for my iPhone on campus

Back Burner:

         Gaming, Simulations, and Virtual World Research Committee

Days off / Conferences:     

         Dental Appt scheduled for 2/24/12 (Plan to take half day in the am)

         March 24 TLT Symposium – thinking of using this opportunity to practice session for Madison Conference