Reflection on Habermas

Another socialist… Looks like this guy is still alive. Here is the Clark blog on Habermas.

Quote:As a philosophy of change he also recommends action.”
Reflection: I’ve been thinking about how much I often think and reflect but often fall short of action for many reasons. It seems the source of action for Habermas is the empowerment of the powerless.
Quote: “all knowledge has a ‘social’ context or is socially constructed, so that all taught knowledge is inherently ideological and never neutral.
Reflection: This thought from Marx is the basis upon which Habermas reacts. I’m wondering what the basis is for how I act and decide. I have many theories but ultimately this is an important question for all of us to ask and answer.
Quote: “The direct effect of the Habermas theory is to change the curriculum towards inclusive activity that critiques ideology through cultural studies, political discussion, citizenship, media studies, humanities and subjects that reflect on the process of education itself. 
Reflection: All of these areas of the curriculum are giving way to math and writing based upon the “Common Core.” I can see little that is being done in today’s educational climate to fix this. 
Quote: “In practice, teaching needs to accommodate discussion, problem solving, collaboration, and community-related learning. 
Reflection: This ties into Bloom’s Taxonomy and higher-order thinking. It’s not just a political and cultural decision to move toward this type of education. Unfortunately, we have become more interested in ROI.
Quote: “There is much to be gained by listening to calls for inclusion, student participation and the student voice in education.  
Reflection: Especially in regards to adult learners this is true. But from experience with younger learners, I think that the understanding the student and allowing for the student voice to be heard and acted upon is a key to educational success.
Quote: “To be frank he’s been overtaken by events and public statements show he neither understands new media nor its consequences. 
Reflection:Clark goes on to say that Habermas seems to miss the role that media could have on the student voice. It’s interesting to me how so many really knowledgeable people can so focus on their own ideas that they miss the obvious. That a big reason why I blog and reflect. I don’t want to miss the obvious because of the business of what I am doing. 

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