Category Archives: Forum Series

Reflection for October 20 to October 24

Despite my best intentions, I’m here on a Friday afternoon writing my reflection for the week. It has been a busy but good week.

I went to 2 DMT related meetings. The first was on Monday here at the IST Building. We talked alot about Quality Matters and how it applies to online courses. It is something that we hope we can build into our courses. The second was the sub committee on video. It was a good discussion drilling down into types of videos and why we use them.

On Tuesday, I went to a Penn State Forum event. I saw Bernie Kerik speak. He was an impressive and serious speaker who talked about the problems that we have with our prison systems. Mostly he was pointing fingers at our prosecutors and federal representatives. I was alarmed to know that if we keep at our current pace that 75% of black males will be in the penal system. Bernie also related stories about people who faced felony who definitely could have been rehabilitate other ways. At the end of the session, it made me wonder why we feel so helpless about these types of issues. We as a society are responsible but feel powerless to change things.

I spent a ton of time this week working on setting up courses for Spring 2015. I’m hoping that jumping on these items will open my time to work on the 402 Big Data course development and cms pilots. Hopefully by next week, I’ll be done with all of these.

Speaking of 402 Big Data, this has been a difficult project. We have not had the type of instructor help and timeliness that I had hoped for. Now that things are coming up from the IT perspective, the instructor is ready to bail. I’m hoping that this turns around soon so that we can help our students have the best experience possible in the course. We have several meetings planned with both Bill and IT to help clear things up.

Today, we had another IST Online Community Lunch. It went well. We talked about Canvas and MOOCs. I’m looking forward to the next one on November 7.

Forum Series Speaker: Amy McCready

Forum Amy McCready

You’re Not Special was referenced. Here it is:

Entitlement is rampant among young people. Here are the reasons according to Amy:

  • Ego-centric Culture
  • Self-esteem movement – Praise junkies
  • Over-the-top parenting

Reflection: Our culture reflects on those that are produced from the culture.

amy_mccready.JPGStrategies to overcome Entitlement

  • Pause the praise – make the praise focused on effort
  • Create a consequential environment – fair & consistent following of rules (prioritize the rules)
  • Count on contribution – chores & responsibilities (family contributions)
  • Get ’em off the payroll – allowance is a training tool
  • Give yourself – volunteering brings about good feelings and


  • I always felt from teaching that it was important to praise for specifics. I like the notion of praising for effort, but effort alone does not bring success. There are other factors. It is just that sustained effort brings about success more often than no effort.
  • Have few rules with consequences for those rules
  • Family contributions mean that the child is a part of the success of the family
  • Need to allow for kids to spend their money
  • Have been thinking about this but it’s hard to make this a part of the process with everything that is going on

Way to fix some of the feelings of guilt of not being with kids: 10 minute 1-on-1 time

Forum Series Speaker: Don Roy King

I attended a sold-out Penn State Forum series today 3/20/12 by Don Roy King who has directed Saturday Night Live (SNL) since 2006.


Dr. Pangborn did a nice introduction. I didn’t realize that this is the 37th yr of SNL.

Don Roy King is PSU Grad 1969 from the College of Liberal Arts.

He started the talk off by saying that things were going well how are things going here in reference to the Sandusky scandal. King was thinking that he would be uninvited based upon a skit that they had done on about the Sandusky scandal.

Reflection: From this beginning I started to understand how one of King’s philosophies is to not take himself too serious. He down played alot of his accomplishments and his ability to discern the larger picture. He would leave that to the “doctors.”

King related a few stories from SNL

First he talked about Ludacris who made him a bit nervous because of controversy surrounding lyrics from the songs he wrote. King helped Ludacris to relax and could see that he really cared about doing a good job.

Reflection: From this story, I got the idea that he believes that you need to go deeper to understand a person. Much of what we think we know or perceive is often not correct.

King, then, started to relate his own story of starting at wpsx at Penn State as a way to transition to the bigger impact of TV on society.

He mentioned how All in the Family made such an impact on society. Norman Leer did such a great job of creating a show that highlighted bigotry and helped move society to the place where a black man could be voted President.

Reflection: Although I would agree with this to a point, I would say that our society is far from making strides in the area of race relations. I would say that the election of Obama has served to highlight how little progress has been made. I see the venom from the past continuing to well up.

In the way of career advice, King told a story about young people who did a great job for a show that he helped with. The leader of the group would ask possible interns if they worked their way thru school? If so, he would hire them.

Reflection: Work ethic is important, and King is an example what hard work can lead to. But hard work is not the only factor. The main thing that I can see is that it’s best to be ready when you have your chance. Nothing is guaranteed in life, but those who succeed often give themselves the best chance by being prepared.

To end the presentation of the forum. King talked about being at Paterno’s 1st win and 400th win.

Reflection: I think this was a way to highlight where King stands on the Sandusky scandal. Like most of us, we view Paterno as a victim.

Much of the question/answer part of the forum was not insightful. King seemed like a regular person who worked his way to the top. But I wouldn’t say that he even understands how he got there or is unwilling to share too much.

There were a few items that made me think.

Question: What was the most important course that you took in school?

Answer: Story about not thinking that Spanish was so important. Then King went on to talk about how he could have done much better in all of his positions if he would have taken Spanish more serious. He, then, went on to say that he wished that he had learned more about more areas as an undergraduate as a way to be better at his job.

Reflection: This story, although entertaining, is such an ineffective way to inspire students to do their best and try different things. To me, actions are more important than words. When someone as successful as Don Roy King says something it means less than what he actually did. Truth be told, King chose wisely to have a dream and not let anything get in his way to accomplishing the goal.

King talked about a wise way to go about being successful in TV. He believes that it is not best to start small in a big operation but to start bigger in a small operation.

Reflection: I can see how this would seem best to King since this is how he found success. But I think that his earlier advice of preparing for success rings more true since there are many more factors to success than this single aspect.

Reflection 02/06/12-02/10/12


  • Spring ’12 courses running
    • IST 110
      • Worked with Larry Newcomer to update items in the course to spell out to students the purpose of activities
      • Updated in the dev space and section 3
    • IST 111S
      • Got a note from Deirdre about setting opening dates for group work video for earlier next week.
      • Set the dates and sent reply
    • IST 210
      • Received note that “old” versions of the lab overview were floating around
      • Checked in with IST Helpdesk & they will send out list after things settle down a bit
      • Still having problems with Vision in vlabs environment even after an intervention by Adam
      • Alot of conversation back and forth on this
      • Hoping to reach a resolution so that we can continue with Visio for the course
    • IST 250
      • Shared dev space with Rich P from Greater Allegheny upon request, suggested to by Brett B
      • He’s more interested with using the space as a reference rather than importing the course in as a boiler plate
      • Adjusted the Course Content to point to drupal so that Tim L could see content
    • IST 301
      • Had an issue with peer eval that we will send a student to the WC Helpdesk to resolve
      • Found out the problem is that one of the merged sections for this course is unable to view the evals by diagnosing myself
      • Sent request to John B to have Adam check and fix the peer eval
    • IST 331
      • Got a request from the instructor with question about ANGEL. Sent a request to WC Helpdesk with the following video:
      • Received the following feedback:

        Good morning! We checked out your video and I was able to duplicate this issue. Upon further investigation, it turns out that this student, Student Name (Student email ID), has her/his overall ANGEL Profile Name Settings only viewable by “Course/Group Mentors”. If the student were to change this setting to “Students/Members”, then s/he and other Team 3 students will be able to view him from the Course Roster.

        Here is how the student can change this setting:

        ANGEL Profile Page–> Preferences (button on left with silhouette image)–> Personal Information link–>  very first section is Name Settings–> change Viewable By to “Students/Members”

        I hope this answers your question as to why this is happening. I believe that if the student changes this, it will fix this issue. If you would like us to contact the student regarding this issue, let us know and we’ll be glad to help.

    • IST 420
      • There was a note about adjusting Minicase #1. I will update the development space. Would you like the rubric added to Lesson 3, 4, or both? Should it be added as a Word Doc or included in the dropbox? You mention that there are no questions, do you have questions that they should answer?
      • Met with John & Justin on Wednesday from 1:30-2. 
        • Decided to place rubrics into ANGEL for Minicase #1 and Enterprise Paper
        • Added rubrics and attached to those two assignments based upon rubric written in Word
        • Looking forward to feedback from the group on how the rubrics work for them
  • Spring ’12 revisions
    • IST 210 (Heberling)
      • Haven’t heard more back from the committee about their feedback
      • Plan to move forward as soon as Gary gets his text
    • IST 220 (Bertin)
      • Health of Lisa’s colleague has forced her to pick up slack
      • No progress for the week
      • IST 240 (Smith)
        • Finished work on Lesson 4 & 5 from last week
        • Plan to finish Lesson 6 next week
      • IST 402 (Cameron) – I’ll be assisting Melissa when needed
      • IST 402 (Saab)
        • Met with David on 2/7 from 11-12:15
        • Here are the notes that I took:
          • textbooks/online content mix
            • No textbook – videos, online materials
            • Textbook on Computer Ethics is a possibility
            • Supplement the textbook with materials that David has used
            • Course could include text and extend with online materials, included in discussion forums, voicethread, or Elluminate Live
            • May be best to use a blog as a way to integrate the course
            • Maybe gamify the course
          • lesson assessment
          • assess basic knowledge – randomly generated assessments from a bank
          • extend knowledge – discussions forums v. voicethread
            • voice thread for some of the activities by embedding segments and starting discussion
            • Then continue the video and change the scenario to see how it changes
          • team work role
            • team project needs to be chunked out for online delivery
            • proposal would be the delivery, not a website
          • paper
          • exam
          • website
          • vocab – flash cards
          • Work flow
          • ANGEL for materials
          • Format of materials
          • Setting up items in ANGEL
          • Communicating progress
          • Email
          • F2f
          • Virtual
          • Weekly
          • Bi-weekly
          • IST 402 SMO Peer Evals – set up a meeting on 2/20 to work details on handling the peer eval google form
      • IST 421 (Hill)
        • Awaiting response on email sent on Friday
        • Placed a reminder on my calendar to contact him 2nd week of February
    • Madison proposal
      • Awaiting confirmation about both the lightning session
    • Attended the Forum on Th at the Penn Stater done by Michael Mann. Here are my thoughts and reflections:
    • Attended the monthly LD Community Meeting. Here are my notes from the meeting:

    Ongoing Projects:

    • Updating google doc for Summer ’12
      • Sent info to Karen M and updated google doc
    • Working on Summer 2012 courses: 110, 111S, 210, 220, 230, 240, 295B, 301, 302, 420 EA (Melissa), 421, 495
    • Still need IST 260W content added in drupal
      • Rest of course has begun
      • Once this is completed, I’ll check it with the WC offering
      • Sounds like there are some things that need to be adjusted

    Immediate Decisions / Issues:

    • Here are the items that I have for this week:

      • I’ve had a few issues with students who are taking resident courses but using online materials (IST 230) who are requesting assistance from the WC and IST Helpdesk. This is because we forgot to update some materials in ANGEL, but it is also because our syllabus includes items like MSDNAA and Vlabs which are only available for UP and WC students. Here are some solutions that I think will work:
        • Remove the items referenced above from the syllabus and place in ANGEL so that those items can be removed more easily later
        • Make the syllabus more generic and upload the syllabus as an html file within each ANGEL section so that it can be edited there
        • Create individual drupal sections for each ANGEL section so that instructors can customize if necessary
      • Would it make most sense to have only content on drupal? The other items seems to be better in ANGEL.
      • I’m a bit concerned with the direction being taken with regard to course committees.
        • We will not be able to complete revisions in the time allotted unless there is a process in place in which faculty on the committee are held responsible for completing what they need to do before the revision with a single faculty begins or maybe we need to consider the revision being a part of the committees responsibility. If they had more ownership in the final product, they would be less likely to judge all of the final products as I see many of them doing now.
        • A faculty member or members from the committee needs to be involved in the revision process. This will eliminate the need for the revising faculty to have to check in with the committee about proposed revisions. If the committee is responsible for the content, then they should lay out what should be done. It seems to me that if the faculty committee had a common project on which to work they may be able to work out some of the differences which lead to conflict.

    Some things that I learned this week:

    • See WC Helpdesk resolution for IST 331

    Back Burner:

    • Gaming, Simulations, and Virtual World Research Committee (maybe Kent and I need to keep this going here at the College of IST or maybe we should consider joining the group from ETS)

    Days off / Conferences:

    • February days out of the office 3 (half day vaca in pm), 6 (vaca), & 24 (half day sick-dental/half day vaca)
    • March 24 TLT Symposium attending only since our proposal wasn’t accepted
    • June 22, 25-29 vacation days

    Forum Series Speaker: Michael Mann

    Excellent presentation by Michael Man today at the Forum. Here is a link to more information about the talk:


    On the topic of climate change, I don’t pretend to be an expert. But I do believe that there is something to it. From a scientific perspective, there is no argument that the climate is changing in an upward trend. The problem lies in the how the topic has become political. Dr. Mann called this “scientification of politics.”

    This is a subject that I think has become an issue in our current society. Politics has become intertwined with several areas (i.e. science, religion), and it has only served to further polarize. This is highlighted to me because I tend to be in circles with those who have extreme views. Personally, I choose to compartmentalize my life. To me, it is possible to have beliefs about several seemingly different views that complement. For instance, there are many in my religious circle who don’t believe in evolution because they believe in creation. I don’t know why you can’t believe in a creator who chose to make being that can evolve. The problem is that I have to listen to dogmatic people who use their dogma to hide their insecurity. I truly care for the people of whom I’m referring, but I just wish they would keep their opinions to themselves unless they had something other than an opinion or outlandish theory to share.

    Back to the forum talk, it was great to see the science, but it was equally important to hear Dr. Mann talk about how he started as an unwilling participant in the Climate Change War. Eventually, he has grown into his roll. Things get so heated that there was a radio ad placed by a company sponsored by the coal and a supposed protest that was to happen: There was quite a police presence but no protestors. This just gave more validity to Dr. Mann’s assertions that there is a resistance that has a calculated side to dispute the idea of climate change that is based in propaganda.

    I found myself thinking about how much I’m limiting my own environmental footprint. Even though I do things that limit my footprint by riding my bike or walking to work, I do this because of financial reasons. I love the outdoors and try to be environmentally aware, but I’m anything but an evangelist about this. Not sure if this talk changed my view, but it definitely helped me to gain more understanding about the topic.

    Forum Series Speaker: Linda Patterson Miller

    I attended the session described here today:

    I wasn’t sure if I’d attended but glad I did. Dr. Miller was an interesting and engaging speaker who brings a fresh perspective on encouraging us to “bring an enhanced level of social, cultural, artistic and human perspective and awareness to communities across Pennsylvania.”

    During her talk, she mentioned stories about Fitzgerald and Hemmiway stemming from reading of letters that they had written.

    It’s a little strange to me that the personal lives of these people would be in full view of us all, and I wonder what they would think or have written if they knew that these secret correspondences would be read and studied.

    But I have to say that I’m interested in going back to read some of the works that I read back in high school like The Old Man and the Sea and The Great Gatsby. I really didn’t enjoy either book, but I’m wondering if it had something to do with being forced to read them and do other academic assignments relating to them.

    I have further questions that ran through my head like, “Couldn’t the spread of the message of the importance of the arts be done more effectively by widening the audience using social media tools?”

    Reflection: I wouldn’t have gotten this message had I not had the opportunity to attend the event. This message is so important that it needs to be provided to a larger audience. Physically traveling around won’t do as much as using digital means.

    There were many questions about how research might change in the future since we wouldn’t have as many letters to read. To me there will be much more to read and study. With the advent of email, social media, and online media in general, there is 100 times more information around.

    Great event! Enjoyed this thoroughly.