Photo & T-Shirt Design Submission Form

2017 Photo and T-Shirt Design Submission

2017 Photo and T-Shirt Design Submission

By submitting a photo(s), I agree to allow SAESE the following limited use of the submitted media: (i) to display the photo(s) at the ECMSS event; (ii) to publish the photo(s) on the cover, or within, the ECMSS abstract book; (iii) to permanently archive the photo(s) on the SAESE website and share the photo(s) on social media for the purpose of event publicity. By submitting a T-shirt design(s), I agree to allow SAESE the following limited use of the submitted media: (i) to print the design(s) on T-shirts distributed at the event; (ii) to permanently archive an image of the design(s) on the SAESE website and share the design(s) on social media for the purpose of event publicity. I will maintain all other rights to the media.

Maximum file size: 10MB

Upload up to 3 photos as .jpg or .png. Name files as "LastName_FirstName_Photo#.jpg". You MUST upload a single text file with a caption for each numbered photo (see below).

Maximum file size: 10MB

Upload a single text file with a caption for each numbered photo (clearly assigned by the photo number used in its filename). Name this file "LastName_FirstName_Captions.docx"

Maximum file size: 10MB

Upload up to 2 T-shirt design entries as .png or .jpg. Name the files as "LastName_FirstName_tshirt#.png". Entries MUST be line art drawings.

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