David and Goliath…in the Modern World

Most of us are familiar with the famous tale of David and Goliath; an unlikely victory of one man over a giant that has come to symbolize the possible triumph of an underdog. In his book, David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants, Malcolm Gladwell explores the nature of the competition between underdogs and giant opponents, while insinuating that there is more to this classic story than that. Just as the tale of David and Goliath has had plenty of real-world parellels, Gladwell’s unique perspective on the biblical battle is applicable to the modern world, as well. At first I was skeptical when Gladwell claimed that David’s small stature and choice of weapon (clear disadvantages against the mighty Goliath) were precisely responsible for his victory. But, Gladwell demonstrated through numerous other examples and research studies that agility and speed are largely underestimated in the face of a powerful opponent. To connect this to the modern world of business, David comes to represent new, young, upstart companies that can often beat out the much larger “Goliath” companies, which have been up and running for a long time. The fact that the young companies are new to the business world is often perceived as a disadvantage, while in fact, they can become very successful with an ability to provide new solutions to various problems today. I highly recommend Gladwell’s novel to anyone looking for a new and interesting read; he has a reputation of putting a unique spin and a different perspective on many aspects of our everyday life. Enjoy!

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